Chapter 14

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Yay 241 reads! Reads make me happy. They make me upload. Hehehe...Gah I don't feel like typing so without delay... here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dedicated to lilvampirelover fo fanning me! You guys know I love me fans :)

Stay wonderfully amazing!


Niall’s POV

When I woke up, I had the worst hangover with a terrible headache. I inwardly sighed. Why did I drink so much at that club? I looked around and saw Ari and Louis talking next to my bed.

“Why are you two in my room?” I groaned.

“Hangover?” Louis asked sympathetically, and I nodded. Ari stifled a giggle.

“Well, you passed out in the car, so I had to basically carry you to your room. And then you wouldn’t let me go and insisted that I sleep with you. And then, in the morning you had a death grip around my waist that I couldn’t wriggle out of, so Louis had to get the key to your apartment from Liam’s and pull me out of your arms,” she explained, and I blushed hotly.

“She probably enjoyed it,” Louis winked. I laughed.

“Did you?” I asked her.

“No… at one point, you were holding me so tightly I thought I was gonna barf up the three glasses of alcohol Harry forced into me,” she giggled again.

“Sure you didn’t get tipsy last night?” I questioned her.

“Nope!” she proudly grinned.

We went to Lou’s flat, and at the door, Harry pulled Ari to the bedroom almost immediately. I laughed at her bedraggled expression as she was being dragged away by him.

“What the hell?” Zayn, who was already draped on the sofa, laughed.

“So… how drunk did I get last night?” I asked Liam, wanting another opinion.

“At one point, you crashed into Ari, pushing her onto the floor, and refused to get off of her,” Liam smiled.

“Great,” I groaned.

“Want some medicine?” Louis yelled from the bathroom, rummaging through the cabinet.

“Please!” I yelled back. He returned with a bottle of pills in his hand and threw it at me, hitting my head.

“Oh god, that made it worse,” I snarled.

“Sorry, mate!” Louis called as he ran to the kitchen. I groaned and swallowed two pills with water.

“You look horrible,” Ari called to me as she literally bounced into the room.

“Thanks,” I let sarcasm drip off my voice.

“Sorry… I meant… mentally,” she tried to cover up her mistake, making it worse. The boys laughed.


“Okay… I meant that you look like… you’re coping with the worst hangover of the century,” she finally covered up.

“Well, that’s basically what’s happening.” I groaned.

“BREAKFAST’S READY!” Louis screamed from the kitchen. This wasn’t good… Louis made breakfast?

But minutes later, I was proved wrong as I stared at the pancakes and bacon and scrambled eggs on the table.

“What happened to you, Louis?” Liam gasped as he saw the table. Lou grinned sheepishly.

“I think he was replaced by an alien,” Zayn told us with a straight and we all cracked up.

Haunting Memories (a Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now