Chapter 25

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I loved writing this chapter so much! It was fun... I'm sad, there's only 1-2 more chapters left of this... But then there's the sequel! YAY! I feel bad for what I did to Niall in this chapter. SORRY NIALLER! :P Anyways...

This is dedicated to melodypanda because she made a Wattpad cuz I told her and fanned me! AND she is my best friend in real life. And love interest XD I LOVE YA HERCULES!!!

I'm the Meg to her Hercules :)

Stay frootylicious my hopefully-opposite-of-smelly fudgekins! << I've seen to many Froot Loops commercials. HAHA the jellyfish is funny.

Yellow powder is good. I know, you're supposed to add water to make it into lemonade, but the powder istelf is really good too.


Niall’s POV

When Arianna came down to the hospital café, there was something wrong with her. All the blood was drained from her face and she looked as if she was at her breaking point.

“Jeremy,” she answered when I asked her what was wrong.

“What about him?” I asked. Her scared expression changed to a frustrated one, then to a blank face. She pushed past me and went to buy a cookie, leaving me to wonder what could possibly be going through her mind.

“Arianna,” I followed Ari up to Ash’s room after she had finished her food. “Arianna,” I repeated, and finally, she turned to face me.

“What?” she asked me in an irritated tone.

“Can you just tell me what happened?”

“I don’t… I’ll tell you later, okay?” she pleaded.

“Fine,” I frowned. “But you’re okay, right?”

“I’m fine,” I looked over her deathly pale face and clammy hands, not convinced. She began to walk away.

I sighed and followed her. I sat inside the hospital room, talking to Harry. He was happy Ash didn’t end up pregnant, but obviously wanted to get back at whoever did it.

The doctors tried to ask her if she knew who did it, if she knew a name or description, but every time they did, an odd look crossed her eyes and she refused to talk about it.

I sighed. The doctors had decided to keep Ash in the hospital the rest of the day and night too, because of her shock. At one point, police officers came into the room but left with little information, as Ash refused to talk about it.

I got the feeling Ari knew something about this that we didn’t, and whatever she knew might’ve been important.

“Arianna, you don’t… remember when you said you got through to Ash?” I asked her when just the two of us were sitting in the waiting room.

“Yeah,” she said, her gaze flickering all around the room, everywhere but me.

“Did you figure out anything new?” I asked hopefully. Slowly, she shook her head. “Ari, look, don’t lie. This is really important, okay?”

“Umm… Fine, I did. Want to go for a walk?” I looked to the window. The pinkish tint on the gray clouds hinted that the sun would be setting in the next hour or two, and the fact that all the clouds were gathered into one, big, gray mass showed that it would be raining soon, too.

“Sure, I guess,” I agreed, thinking that maybe she would tell me what she knew. I texted Harry, letting him know we were going on a walk, and followed Ari outside.

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