Chapter 12

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I have no life. Which is why I'm posting again. ACTUALLY, I'm posting because me friend begged me to, and I had 163 reads. That was... really fast. Love ya daughter!!! <3

Okay, please don't hate/kill me for this chapter. I know some of you will be like, this person would never do what they did in this chapter, but there's a reason it's called fanFICTION. Just to clear that up lol.

I am dedicating this to SoundMute for fanning me! Yay thanks! Lastly, I put the spotlight on Liam a bit more on this chapter, hope ya like it!

<3 I love you hearts on their sides. Oh, that reminds me. I came up with a better name for you guys while texting my friend. Fudgekins. You are all now my fudgekins!!!


Arianna’s POV

On the hospital bed was a beautiful girl.

“LIAM!” she squealed as we entered the room. He walked over and hugged her, while I stood awkwardly off to the side. They began to kiss, which made it even more awkward, but soon they broke away and the girl offered me her hand.

“I’m Maddy!” she squeaked.

“I’m Arianna,” I smiled and shook it.

“Niall’s girlfriend,” Liam added. Maddy laughed while I blushed. I watched the pair talk and talk for a while. They seemed like such a happy couple…

Meanwhile, I talked to the doctors, and they said that there was a ninety-eight percent chance Maddy was going to die within a week. Maddy didn’t deserve this. She was a sweet, innocent girl with a great personality. Neither did Liam.

Later on, we decided to watch the interview. I felt my heart leap as Niall talked about me as his girlfriend and saw pure pain flicker across Liam’s face as the boys talked about Liam and Maddy.


That whole week Liam kept going to the hospital, and sometimes I went with him, too. I talked to Maddy a bunch, and I liked her a lot. She was the nicest girl, and pretty, and sweet, and caring… She really didn’t deserve cancer.

A week and a half after I met Maddy, I was in Liam’s flat, just talking to him about trivial things. He got a phone call, and I craned my neck to hear him.

“Yeah, this is Liam… What? ... She’s...” I saw Liam’s eyes begin to tear up. “Okay… Bye…” the phone just fell from his hands and I reached for it.

“Liam?” I asked.

“She’s gone,” his voice cracked. I understood and took his hand in his.

“I’m sorry,” I croaked, feeling tears welling up in my own eyes.

“Can you just leave me alone?” he pleaded. I nodded and left the apartment, going across the hallway to Louis’.

“What’s wrong?” Niall asked as he saw my face.

“Liam’s… Maddy… She’s…” I sobbed, barely getting the words out, but Niall understood.

“Where is he?”

“His flat…” We heard the slam of a door and another thud. “Oh shit… LIAM!” I screamed and dashed out the door, across the hall again to Liam’s flat, leaving a bewildered Niall behind me. I thrust the door open, and burst into his flat.

“LIAM!” I screeched again and ran through the kitchen and hallway and even his bedroom, looking for him, half-expecting him to be staring back at me with lifeless eyes and no pulse. Finally, I spotted him on the balcony, one leg hanging over the railing. It was a long drop… four high stories.

Haunting Memories (a Niall Horan love story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum