Chapter 13

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I would’ve uploaded before, but it wouldn’t let me!!! :( Sorry… Oh well… You guys make me feel so happy! Last night, I was like about to explode from happiness, all because of reads and fans and stuff!

I am dedicating this to MaggieJaneDishong for fanning me!!! Yay... Yeah, I love fans, comments, votes, reads, adding this to reading lists... Anything really. It makes me feel loved!

Stay cool my wondrous fudgkins. Haha... I love that name. Fudgkins.

For you, some hearts on their sides: <3 <3 <3

Louis’ POV


I watched as Liam, Niall, and Arianna came into the flat. Liam and Arianna looked horrible.

“Liam, Ari, you two look horrible,” I laughed as they sat next to me at the table. Arianna punched my arm… hard. “Ouch!” I whined.

“Do not ever tell a girl she looks horrible,” Ari advised me in a tired voice.

“When’s the last time you slept?” Harry joined in the conversation as he set pancakes on the table.

“Last night,” she snickered. “I had another memory dream,” she leaned in and whispered in my ear. I raised my eyebrows at her, and she mouthed later.

“Okay… rephrasing the question. When was the last time you actually slept for like eight hours straight?” Harry tried again. Her brows furrowed as she tried to remember.

“Um… two nights before I came to your apartment,” she finally answered. My jaw dropped. That was so many weeks ago!

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked in disbelief, and she shook her head.

“That’s so unhealthy… With such a lack of sleep, you’re going to have blackouts. No wonder you fainted the other day! You know, sleep is essential to living,” Liam informed her.

“You’re one to talk,” she muttered.

“Shut up,” he told her, and I raised my eyebrows at her.

“Who’s sobbing kept me up all night?” she rhetorically asked him.

“I told you not to sleep over,” Liam shot back, and Ari opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it and shut it again.

“Are we ever going to eat?” Niall attempted to break the tension, and Harry uneasily laughed. Just then, Zayn came in, hair all perfect and dressed up.

“Where are you going?” I asked him.

“We have to go to the studio with Ari, remember?” Zayn replied and I gasped.

“We forgot,” Harry sheepishly grinned. Usually Liam was the one to remember this kind of stuff… We finished dinner with little talking, it was terrible. Niall kept shooting Ari uneasy glances, as if he was hiding something from her, and Liam and Ari were glaring at each other the whole time. What was up their bums?

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