Chapter 16

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OMG I wrote a long and nice author's note, but it got deleted. So since I am lazy, I will keep this one brief. I really appreciate the support I get from you guys. I was about to burst from joy when I checked reads and it said I had 360. 70 reads in like one day. I love you guys so much. You just make me so *sniffle* happy!!!! 

I'm dedicating this chappie to MzBronxBound for fanning me!!!!!!!!! You guys have no idea how much it means to me and how happy it makes me.

Stay magicallyawesomeamazingtastical!!!!!!!!!!!! I;m so happy and love you guys so much, I made a word up for you! :) <3 ~neongreenniall

Louis’ POV

“Arianna! It is my room you know!” I cried out, pounding on the door. She locked herself in. I heard the sound of a lock click, and the door opened. She moodily pushed past me and plopped down on the sofa.

“Want to talk about it?” I asked her gently.

“No,” she sulked, and I sighed.

“It’ll make it better,” I tried to convince her, and she sighed.

“Fine,” she consented, and motioned for me to sit down next to her.

“Remember my car accident memory and how I took the hit for a boy and stuff?” she started. I nodded. “Well, I had a memory, and I found out the boy was…” she trailed off.

“Niall,” I guessed. She nodded.

“Yeah, and he knew, and he didn’t tell me,” she finished, and her eyes glistened with tears.

“I’m sorry. But, maybe you were being a bit overdramatic about it. He did apologize.”

“But… He shouldn’t have hid it. It was about me. It was a huge thing in my life.”

“Okay… But, you know he won’t be able live with you avoiding him…”

“I know… I just have to think about it more.”

“Okay,” I simply said, and her eyes suddenly widened. “What?”

“God… Are we going to the studio tomorrow?” she asked. I nodded. She leapt up.

“I was supposed to have my songs done by then… I have to write like one more verse for one and write a whole one more,” she despairingly told me, and ran to the bedroom.

Arianna’s POV

I looked at the blank piece of paper, thinking of what to write about, waiting for inspiration to hit. I read through my other song. I had decided to call it “Haunting.” I thought about everything had been going on, my fight with Niall, my fever, and the Liam thing. Suddenly, inspiration hit, and somehow, I finished the song in a shocking half an hour. Sighing, I looked at the time. It was around ten.

I read through the song once, and grinned at myself. It was the first time I had written a song without the aid of a guitar. Speaking of that, I needed to figure out notes. I got up and walked to the living room, where the boys, minus Niall, were playing a card game.

“Is Niall in his flat?” I asked, ad received hopeful looks and nods. I chuckled.

“Are you going to apologize?” Louis finally asked, and I shook my head and his face fell.

“Yes?” Niall answered the door. His hair was messed up and he was shirtless. I mentally lectured myself and tried not to stare.

“Can I borrow your guitar?” I asked, and for a brief second, I saw disappointment cloud his eyes. Did he really think I was going to forgive him? He left for a minute and returned, guitar in hand.

Haunting Memories (a Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now