Chapter 19

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Dylan POV

Its been three days and today migth be our last. I've gotten everything I've needed from Ryder, Cori was right she isnt the real ring leader Jax is. Jacob is close to cracking him and I can even see it.

Ryder is kinda cool though. We have kissed a few times and I fingered her but trust me I have no idea where she has been and I'm not bringing this back home to Daisy.

Jax and Jacob are really lowkey. Jax doesnt want everyone to know he is gay even though everyone already thinks so. Jacob keeps telling me he doesnt like the fact that his father can see whats going on and he doesnt want him to think he is gay even though he is.

"Will," I said and Jacob walked over here. I gave him a hug and whispered in his ear that today was the last day. He understood that he needed to get everything he could out of him today.

I miss home. I miss Dylan and I cant wait to shoot some of these dumb ass MF.

Most of them have been pissing me off and I even had to punch one of them, they aint say shit after that.

When I get back home I'm going to pick me up some new clothes because the ones I have had on are itchy and smell. Plus I know Cori is going to pay us big for this.

Jacob POV

Jax is actually kind of cute. He told me a lot about his back story and why he is working with Ryder. He had hinted at being the master mind and her just being the face in case something goes wrong but I haven't got him to come out and say if completely.

We have hooked up a few time and when I say hooked up I mean it. He had a biiiigggg well you know and he knows how to use it. I had to make sure I took off any camera because I did not want my family to see that.

I hope my dad doesn't think I am gay after this. I mean it was apart of my mission and I'm sure he would of the same for a mission. okay well maybe not fuck the guy but he didn't know I did that.

Jax looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back and he walked over to me.

"Will, can I just say that you get sexier everyday," I laughed a little and so did he.

"Jax, actually can I talk to you?" I figure if I get this over with now the faster I can get back home to Mike and Charles. I mean Jax was good but Mike is a sex god and I cant wait to see what Charles has in store for me.

I feel really bad actually for not being able to talk to him this long. I think Tyla is covering for me though but mainly I just want to sleep in my own fucking bed again and I know the stuff I ordered has already been delivered.

"Yeah wassup?" He said and we started walking together.

"I- I like it here but I feel like we aren't doing anything, how are we going to make any money just sitting around," I said it soft, remaining timid.

"I know I know, listen Ryder isn't enforcing anything that needs to be done. I told her that we needed to make more hit on all of rays trap houses,"

"Who?" I knew exactly who he was talking about and I hope my pops heard it.

"You wont know them yet, It's a huge drug ring here but trust me they are getting old, we are better than them," I almost laughed in his face at his ignorance but I just shook my head.

About 20 minutes after that when we were all chillin in the main room my phone vibrated. It was a message from a contact named Dad that says "Where did you and you sister run off to?" That was the code that we are clear and we can go. I saw Dylan look over at me. I am guessing she had got the same message.

"Hey Ryder I am going to pick up steal some food from the corner store, want something?" I heard Dylan say.

"Kyle are you sure, you have never gone alone,"

"I am a big girl I can handle it," She kissed her cheek and motioned for me to come on. I looked around and pointed to myself so that it didn't look like were on the same page. She nodded her head yes and I walked over to her. We walked out and made it to the corner store.

I looked back and say that Jax and Ryder were watching us to make sure we were okay.

"Shit what are we going to do?" I said.

Next thing I knew a man jumped out and punched me in the stomach. Another guy came out and pulled a gun on Dylan. I looked back and saw Jax running over here. The man with the gun looked up and saw him. He shot at him and he missed. They pulled us into an alley and threw us in a truck.

Fuck all I wanted to do was go home.

They locked the back door and got in the front. I heard gun shots at the truck and I heard jax voice. I got my head up to the window and he saw me. He looked so concerned and he shot more at the truck until we were clear from the area.

"Who the fuck are you?" Dylan said.

"Don't talk to your mother like that," It was Raven. She pulled off her mask and smiled.

"Mom," Dylan got excited.

"Miss me son?" It was my dad.

"Hell yeah, thanks for getting us out of there,"

"Of course, you got what we needed and we are going back in a few days to crash their little party,"

About 30 minutes after we pulled up to Cori's place. Oh my second home.

We got out and Tyla and Tristan were standing outside with Cori and London.

Tyler and Tristan ran to us and gave us hugs.

"They finally just told us what yall were doing," I've never seen so much emotion from Tyla.

"I'm glad nothing happened to you guys," Tristan said.

"Yeah well," Dylan said trying to play it off like she wasn't scared.

"Lets take yall home," Tyla said but before we left Cori walked over to us.

"Great job," She looked serious, like she was plotting in her head."Your payments are inside of your homes. Thank you for everything you two have done and I will see you two soon," She walked away and stood with my dad and Raven

I got in my car with Tyla and Dylan got in hers with Tristan. It felt so good to be back in my car.

"So how was it?" Tyla asked. She looked concerned for me.

"It wasn't as bad as you would think. I basically had to make a boy fall for me in three days and kind of tell me all his secretes,"

"Oh wow, did you fuck him?" I laughed and so did she.

"You already know the answer to that,"

"Well then I know how you got him to fall in love with you because everyone you have sex with gets attached.

I laughed and she handed me my phone.

"I told all of your flings that your great grandmother passed away and that you just needed to spend time with you family for a little while,"

"Cool," I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my social medias that I have missed so much.

"Charles left you flowers and Mike left you a card,"

"That's cute,"

Something seems off about Tyla. Alot bit of a stronger demeanor today. This usually happens when she is angry at one person and she will just look mad all day.

I'm sure it's just someone at school.

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