Chapter 11

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Jacob POV

I woke up and I was laid up with someone. I looked and it was Charles. Oh shit. I tried to slip out from under him but he woke up.

"Where you think you going?" he said with his raspy voice and suddenly I wanted to go no where.

"I- I uhm- I dont know," I am use to slipping out the next morning after my flings.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"You hungry?" he asked me.

"A little," this is kind of weird for me.

He got up and looking at his body really got to me. I dont remeber much from last night but I am sure I would have remembered that. He walked downstairs and I followed. We went into the kitchen and he pulled out some pans. Bottles were still sitting out but they were neat like someone straightened the house up.

He pulled out bacon, eggs, onions,tomatoes, and pancake mix. I watched as he made ommlettes, bacon, and pancakes. It was the sexiest thing I have seen. It's not often I get to see shirtlessmen cook for me.

He sat our plates down at a table and brought me back the choices of apple juice or orange juice and a cup. We sat together, ate, and talked.

"So did I do something dumb last night?" I had to ask.

"Uhm what do you remember?"

"Nothing after getting here and playing cup pong, which I won," I had to add that. He laughed and took a sip of his apple juice.

"Well soon after that, you pulled me into a bathroom and put your hands in my pants. You tried to do other things but I told you no and later that night when I brought you here after getting into a fight you tried to do it again when you got out the shower," I looked down at my fist that was a little bruised. I have so many questions but I dont think I want to ask.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"No dont be,"

"So you didnt have sex with me because I was drunk?"

"Yes that, and the fact that I usually dont have sex with someone if I am not serious with them but man you had me so close to giving into you. It was something about the way you look at me that made me weak to your efforts,"

"Please tell me you're an english major that writes poetry because that would fit you so well right now," I am so crushing right now.

"Is it that easy to tell?"

"Very," I laughed and so did he.

"I am guessing you are use to not waiting to have sex?"

"Well, I have actually never dated a guy. I didnt take it to serious. I never took the time to get to know one,"

"Well last night you told me you wanted me to change the fact that you are single," I put my hands over my face.

"I know you probably think I am a sloppy mess,"

"Actually I find you intriguing," His big words are really turning me on. I could put something else big in his mouth.

Tristan POV

I woke up and my head was killing me. I rubbed my eyes and realized I was back home. Damn I was hoping to end up waking up with some girl I aint know.

I reached over and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it. It was open to a number saved under Kim. I called it and it rung a few times.


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