"Why do you fight, dear?" My mother spoke with a calm voice, pulling a slim strand of hair behind her ear as she basked a small smile. "Your conscious is confused. What do you seek?"

Huh, I-I don't know. Happiness, I suppose. But how can one be truly happy with everything that's going on? I lowered my head as I rethought the question, thinking frantically for an adequate answer. Freedom. Freedom from the titans, from Kenny and Edward, from my myself. Yes, that's the answer. I seek freedom. My mother tenderly lifted my chin with an elegant finger as she asked once more, "What do you seek?"

"Freedom, mother."

"From what?"

"From everything."

Once again, there's a dig into my back as I finally feel the cool metal against pure bone. My life is beginning to slip, but...I don't mind. My mother frowned, "You cannot just yet. You've no one to bare your power. The world would go into havoc without their one true ruler. But if that is what you wish, then come to me." She now extended both of her arms for me to reach, but I simply could not grab them. "I'm sorry, mother..."

Whenever she spoke to me of situations like that, it always angered me beyond belief. I hated my mother for the things she's done to me because I was not aware of her intentions until it was too late. I never received the chance to understand my strength, my power. I-I don't know who I am...My eyes flickered from pure exhaustion. I don't know how much pain my body will be able to withstand. It's simply all too much for me to bare.

My breathing began to slow drastically in pace as I closed my eyes. Peaceful, unlike lunch hours in the Mess Hall.

"Hey, don't go to sleep on me now. I want you to view every little thing, so you know how your final moments alive went. Then I won't feel so much like a bad man afterwards."

I'm dragged back into reality when a harsh voice came from behind my ear, sending a chill feeling on my earlobe that caused me to shiver slightly. The voice was ragged, coarse, highly differing from my mothers. I averted my eyes to my left, witnessing three bloody knives, each larger and shaper than the one before it. "You've been speaking to yourself, Hybrid."

"Kill me..."

I could barely formulate my sentence, and it escaped my bruised lips as a faint whisper as I requested Edward simply end my misery. "P-Please. You've won. J-Just kill me..." I begged continuously for his mercy, but he only laughed at my weakness.

"Look at that. A princess begging a mere thug to consume her life. Isn't that something?" Edward ceased his movements behind my back and averted my gaze to witness him. "I thought you said you were going to kill me, hmm, but now you're begging me to kill you? That's quite ironic, indeed. Since you asked so politely, no. You're going to live through this. You're going to bask every sense of the feeling imaginable until your body finally gives up and destroys itself. You'll merely become the rest of the rotten corpses lying on dirt in the Underground."

Another strike. Edward twisted the sharp, long knife further into the flesh of my back as I screamed and squirmed in the now blood covered chair. Sweat poured from my forehead onto my chin as I cried. I cried, and cried, and cried again. I just couldn't stop myself.

I can take him, but why can't I regenerate? I could do this if only I could regather my strength!

The last remains of my sanity fought harshly for my freedom, but I simply was not strong enough to break the forceful latches restraining me. Edward roughly gripped my hair as he forced my head downwards. His grip on my hair did not soften as the knife dug between the nooks and crannies of bone and flesh.

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