Gym was always a no go for me. Because frankly— I am a lazy ass. And I'd rather lie in my bed and read a nice book than get up, drag myself to the gym and lift weights.

It's just too much work. I can't do it.

My experience with rifles/ guns/ pistons is limited to movies. I know how the actors use it and I'll try to mimic it in real life and pray that it works.

It will work, right?


My legs crushed the twigs on the ground as I walked in the most dangerous woods on this side of America.

And there were a few problems I was already encountering-

First of, I had no idea where I was going. I could be walking in exactly opposite direction as the location for all I know. Or worse, I could just be going in circles still far away from the borders.

Secondly, I couldn't smell anything properly. My wolf has come out yet and my sense of smell was rusty. I couldn't even smell my mate from this far telling me I was no near my destination yet.

I could smell him from a mile or so.

Thirdly, I am hungry.

Fourthly, my wolf is an asshole and is not communicating with me.

My feet began to hurt as I walked some more and my arm felt sore because of the heavy weapon.

This was a bad idea. I could feel it. Maybe I should have woken Kat up.

'He's towards right,' A voice said in my head and I knew it was my wolf.

I rolled my eyes. 'Oh now you are talking to me?"

She didn't answer.

Well, damn her furry ass.


The first thing I thought of when I saw the scene in front of me was— WELL, FUCK.

Does it ever happen to you that when you about to face a scary situation- like presenting a speech in front of the school or something- you keep giving yourself a nice pep talk. You tell yourself you'll do it and wear a mask of confidence. You convince yourself and you are so pumped up to rock the performance— you are so sure you'll make it.

But once the situation actually comes in hand— you flip. Your guts get twisted and your heart comes to your throat.

That's exactly at this moment when I saw a bunch of wolves surrounded by another bunch wolves, growling at each other

The ones in the centre looked healthier and bigger and had normal eyes. Whereas the ones encircling them looked more weaker, their fur was shineless and their eyes were red coloured.

The ones in the centre were from my pack. Their fur was coated with spots of blood as if they have been fighting for a while now.

The air reeked of the smell of fresh blood and I tasted my gastric juices as a vomit threatened to come up.

No one likes the smell of blood. It smells metallic and disgusting.

The blood didn't belong to my pack telling me that no pack members were majorly harmed.


But by the looks of it, the situation wasn't exactly under control.

There were four wolves from my pack growling at the rogues which were ten in number. Obviously, they overpowered my pack.

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