Only one thing...

"Where will I be staying?" I asked her, eating again.

"Oh," she said, cleaning the cabinet. "You'll be staying in the pack house for a while. Your father talked to the alpha."

I shrugged and swallowed my food. "Fine by me," I muttered.


I was standing at my locker, fixing it- I feel like I am always standing at my locker trying to organize it but this motherfucker isn't ready to get organized.

I shake my head. Story of my life.

"Boo." A voice said behind me making me jump a mile in the air.

"Aaaaaaarrghhhhhh!" I screamed. Scared out of my wits.

I turned around to see my best friend since diaper days giggling at me.

"Kat!" I exclaimed. We both squealed and she gave me a hug.

And by a hug I mean- she literally jumped on me- legs and hands included and wrapped herself around me like a burrito.

"I MISSED YOUUUUU!!" She exclaimed, squishing me in her arms

I coughed as it became hard for me to be breathe. "C-can't br-breathe," I choked.

She chuckled and finally let me go. But not before squeezing me one last time.

I always wonder how she manages to be so strong when she's so tiny. She's literally like a ball of energy. Always shaking with enthusiasm and activeness.

"You literally saw me 4 days ago," I told her dryly, still grinning. I could be teasing her- but that doesn't change that face that I missed her and freaking happy she's here now.

"Your point is?" She said and began operating her own locker which was not far from mine.

Her Latina accent was strong as ever and I loved it.

I am kind of jealous of how she has a beautiful accent with a golden tan, when I am here with boring American accent and pasty white skin.

"I thought it'll take you longer to come back." I said, honestly, closing my locker.

"I did too." She said. "But grandma got well soon."

I smiled at her. "That's a good thing."

She nodded and we walked together to chemistry class. Me, Katherine and Andrew had it together.

"So..." She started awkwardly and looked down at her feet with an apologetic expression. "I am sorry for not being able to come to your birthday. I am the worst best friend ever! I remember getting ready when dad dashed inside my room saying that Grandma's pack had been attacked and we have to go to take care of her."

Yeah. You heard it right. Katherine is a werewolf too. A high rank to be precise.

Her father is one of our best pack warriors and she hence, lives in the pack house with other high rankers. He is so powerful that when our Delta (4th in command) turned rogue, he was offered the position. But he declined and is the head of the warriors now.

"It's okay, Kat." I smiled at her and gave her a side hug. It's not like it was a good birthday anyways.

"But still," she whispered and placed her head over my shoulder while walking. "It was your 18th- we were supposed to get drunk and wasted. We were supposed to get each other do a pole dance in the middle of horny teenagers. And then we were supposed to wake up next day with naked strangers and call each other in panic. We were supposed to have fun, Oli. We missed it."

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