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I woke up expecting to be in the Arena but instead I was in a Hovercraft.

I was in a Night gown and I wasn't covered in blood. I got up. It hurt Horribly. I groaned in pain. I stood up and started to walk. Walking wasn't that bad but it still hurt.

I walked down the bright hallway of the hovercraft. I saw doors up ahead. I walked a little Faster. On the First door it had the number "1" on it. I opened it.

Inside was a shock. There laid on two beds. All cleaned up. Was Claire and Drew. Claire look like she was sleeping. She had a white dress on. Drew had a Tux on. He didn't look like he was sleeping. A Long Scar ran across his head.

I went over to Claire. I rubbed my finger over her cheeks. I couldn't cry. I stopped myself from crying.

I walked out and looked around until I found The door marked with "12". I opened it and I found the bodies of Clary and Chris.

Clary Wore the same White Dress as Claire. Her head was Sewn back on. Chris had the same Tux. His Platinum Blonde hair wasn't messed up it was jelled up. His eyes where closed. A part of me longed to see those stormy Grey eyes. I kissed him on the cheek. As If he where to wake up at my touch. He didn't. His face held a Smirk that I was so used to seeing. I lone tear slid down my cheek and hit his cheek. I think I imagined it but I could've sworn his smirk became a little bit wider.

I had left the room. I walked around a little more before a Peacekeeper found me and led me back to my room.

I fell back asleep. I woke up too heels clicking and I shot up like a rocket. I saw Victorie Pacing the room. She looked at me then saw I was awake. She tackled me in a huge hug.

"Oh Baby, I'm so sorry." She said. She continued to hug me.

"Can't....Breath.." I said weakly.

"Oh!" She let me go.

"We landed a couple of minutes ago. I offered to take you back in." She said. She handed me a Grey Shirt with a Black jacket and Jeans with Boots. I put it all on.

She led me outside. It was right outside if the Mansion I had grown to hate. We walked in. She led me to my room that was untouched. I looked in the mirror once Victorie Left.

My Face looked horrible. I had a long scar the went from the top of my eye to the bottom of my lip. I had a bad one under the other eye, One that went up and down on my cheek, an One the went across my nose.

I felt the scars. I knew that the Capitol couldn't remove scars just yet.

That Night I had to go to an Interview with Caesar. I got dressed in a Blue off the shoulder Ball gown that just touched the floor, and Silver heels. I had Eye liner on and a light shade of red for lipstick. My hair stayed down.

When I got to the Place I was swarmed with people. I just walked by.

Caesars Face showed up on the Screen. His hair an Even Brighter Yellow. I practically flinched at the Brightness of it.

"And Now I present the Winner of the latest Hunger Games...The one.....the only......Skylar Sap!" He said.

I walked onto the Stage. People where clapping and Whooping. Some where pointing at my face. Rude.

"Long time no see Skylar." He said.

"Hello to you too." I replied. I tried to be happy but how could I? I just killed people.

"I'm going to ask some questions. Okay?" He asked.

No it's not okay I don't want to answer the Bloody Questions. I wanted to say. Instead I said "Okay." ( A/N Tfios feels )

"First Question: How do you feel now that You have Survived the Hunger Games?" He asked.

I couldn't take it. The Constant pretending. They need to know the Truth.

"Horrible, Because I watched the Love of my Life die and A Sisterly Figure who was only 12 be murdered by her own Brother. My Own Friend Backstabbed me and I feel like I should have never own because They're were people that deserved to Win. Like Claire. She was too young, Too young to die, Too young to go through that. So I feel Horrible." I snapped. Caesar seemed a Little taken back by my Sudden outburst of anger.

"Next question. Do you have any fears about what would happen too you?"

"No. Snow can't do anything to me. He's already killed all of my loved ones. There's nothing to be afraid of. Dying doesn't seen so bad now knowing the fact that Snow would probably kill me afterwards." I said. "Also, Snow and Every Single person that made my life to be like this and Everyone else's to be horrible." I said then I flipped Everyone off. I stood up and walked out.

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