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After our Very Long Conversation It was time for dinner. We all sat down at the table.

"So, What's some battle Strategies?" Clary Asked.

"Stay Alive." Haymitch replied very drunk.

Prim Sat right up. I knew why. Rumor Has it that's What Haymitch Said to Katniss when she asked.

I Shoveled Food into my mouth. Chris was doing the same thing. He looked like Someone from the shops but Then again, He looked pretty Starved.

After a Long Dinner Everyone Headed to their rooms. When I got to mine I saw a note that said.

"Change of Plans, You're staying In One's Floor. Snows orders."

I groaned. I found an Avox

"Tell Haymitch and Prim that I have to stay In District One's room."

The Avox Nodded and walked away. I walked to the Elevator. When The doors opened I stepped in and pressed the "1" Button. I shot down. Within a Minute I Was at their Floor. When the Doors open I stepped inside. I guess Someone Informed Everyone because they were waiting for me. Cashmere and Gloss were standing there. Fake Smiles Plastered on their Faces. Claire Look tired and scared. Her Brother Had a Bandage on His nose and he was glaring at me.

"So, You're staying Here?" Gloss asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay. Off to Bed. Get as much sleep as you can before the games!" Gloss Said making a 'shoo' Motion with her hands. I walked to an Empty room.

I got dressed in a nightgown because that's what they had in there under 'sleepwear'.

I snuggled down and soon I was drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

I Woke Up to Pounding on the Door.

"GET UP!" I heard the Oh so Familiar voice of Victorie. I groaned into my pillow. I got up and walked to the door I opened it and Victorie was standing there. She walked in right away Mumbling "Ferret" Under her breath.

She started to look around before she pulled out my training outfit. She threw it at me. I knew that ment. Get dressed or else. I quickly got dressed. Victorie Did my hair in a Tight Pony then she let me go eat Breakfast.

When I got to the table everyone had just started to eat. Claire and Her brother where wearing the same outfit as me except for the number 1 on the sleeves.
I grabbed some toast and put it on my plate.

Soon It was time to go to the Training center. We all piled into the elevator. I tried to keep my Distance from Drew as Possible. Claire seemed to do the same. Even though I wasn't looking at him I could tell he was burning holes into the side of my head.

The Elevator dinged and The door opened. It revealed a Large gym stocked with Fine Weaponry and Stations. One station was sword fighting, Anther was Painting, the last one was Survival. Some other Districts where here. Mainly the Careers. Drew walked over to the small bunch already forming. Claire snuck away some where. I walked around. I was pretty good at Axes and Knives. Thanks to district eight. I didn't want to show off my skills yet so I went over to the Spears. I grabbed one and threw it. It landed Really close to the middle. I threw a couple more and soon I was able too hit the middle easily.

Drew walked over and tried to beat me. I smirked then threw it with my Eyes closed. When I heard the Spear hitting the target I saw I got it right in the middle. He stood there amazed and I just walked away Idly. I stood at the sword combat. There was a trainer there ready. I grabbed a sword and Walked to the combat zone.

The Trainer looked at me like I was a weak and dying animal And He was the killer. He swung at me and I ducked. I stabbed at him in the gut. It didn't hurt him but he faked it and he toppled over. I took my Sword and Held it up high over my head and pretended to hit his Temple.

I looked around and Saw that everyone had seen me in action. I smiled really awkwardly and Jumped down. I walked over to Survival and started to make fire and such. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Claire inch Closer and closer too me.

A/N this is the first part of the training center!!! Why do you think Claire is so cautious of Drew? What Do you Think Claire do?

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