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Throughout the Night I kept on thinking "Why would Drew kill his own sister?" That left me with no sleep. I talked with Clary and Cried a couple of times.

Soon I was able to sleep for an hour or so. I woke up to Voices. I shot up. Chris was watch and he heard them to. He held a Knife close to his chest. I snuck over to the hole. I looked down and Saw the Remaining Careers: The Girl from 2, And The Boy From 3.

The Girl had a neat collection of knifes on a belt around her waist. The Boy held a spear.

"Drew Died and So did his Pathetic sister. He always said she was weak. She always was strange. During Training She'd Disappear then Appear out of no where. The coaches told them that they needed to be as stealthy as her. She stole his spotlight." She said. He killed his sister over Jealousy? Pathetic.

"Who do you think killed them?" He asked. He had Messy black hair that went all over the place and Bright Green eyes.

"I think the Princess From the Capital." She said. Chris looked at me sympathetically at me. I shrugged. Clary being the loudest walked out and saw us.

"What are you Guys-Oh." She said. She brought the two people away from their conversation to look in the trees.

They saw us and the girl Immediately pulled out a knife. She threw it at us. It Whizzed by Us. I found my axe near the hole. I grabbed it.

I climbed down along with Chris. He started to attack the weak person from 3. I took the girl head on. She took the largest knife and slashed at me. It cut my cheek. I swung my axe and her and she ducked. She Slashed once again. I ducked and kicked her under her feet. She fell to the ground. I took one of her knives and Bam.

Boom. She was dead.

Chris won the fight and 3's boy was laying on the ground choking on blood. We panted out of Breath. We noticed Clary not doing anything. She looked at the mess around us. Chris had blood on his shirt and face. Me, I had it everywhere. The New wound stung. Clary Had a Sword and Knife with her she climbed down. She looked at us.

"Only 4 of us left." She Whispered. She looked Guilty for a split second before smirking Evilly at me and Chris. She took her knife. She threw it had Chris. He ducked and it hit a tree behind him. He grabbed his knife but it was too late. She stabbed him in the Gut. Suddenly I saw Claire and Drew instead of Chris and Clary. Anger Swept through me. She wasn't looking but I went up behind her. I took my Axe and Swung at her neck. She fell to the ground. Her head rolled away from her body. I looked at Chris. I dropped my Axe. Clary's Cannon Boomed. I Held Chris in my Arms. In a similar way that I held Claire. He looked up at me. He was slowly dying.

"I have too do this because.....I love you." I say. I just noticed this Feeling when I looked at him. His Beautiful Blonde hair, His Gorgeous Stormy Grey eyes. He was So Amazing.

I cupped his face and Kissed him. He kissed back. We pulled away. His Finger wiped away I tear I didn't notice. He Smiled.

"Live life the way you want, Love who you want, But Just remember I will always love you." He said. He closed his eyes and Exhaled.


Chris was Dead. Claire was Dead. Clary turned out to be a traitor. Everyone I love is dead. Tears streaming down my cheek. Making my New wound Burn I climbed up the tree once more. The Sight Hurt so much. Three Empty sleeping places. All Unmade. Crumbs and Apple core laid around. I took the Food.

"For Chris and Claire." I said. I started to eat. I was starving. Eating Small Portions wasn't fun. I ate almost all of the food. Suddenly it went completely Dark.

The Finale has Begun.

A/N What a Chapter! Who would've thought that Clary would turn? Just to clear things up. Lots of People died. Mainly Drew and The girl from 2. Crying and Sadness Is the Most felt feeling while writing this story. Chris's Death Hurt the Most, Mainly Because he looks my Fictional Character Crush: Draco Malfoy.

Claire's hurt a lot. She reminds me of Rue so much it stings. Comment how you want the Finale! I have got NO ideas for it.

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