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I woke up to stirring in the Sleeping bag. I woke up and saw Claire Climbing out of the bag. It was sunrise, I could tell because of the faint orange light. I was a little Groggy but I was still awake. I climbed out of the bag. Chris was passed out. His butt was sticking up and he was snoring. His mouth open and drooling.

I giggled and grabbed a leaf. I started to tickle under his nose. He sneezed and woke up. I laughed silently. Clary had to put her mouth over him to stop him from yelling. His grey eyes looked around. He saw my trying not to laugh. I ripped off Clary's hand and Smirked.

Claire dug around in the bag before handing everyone a Nut and a piece of dried fruit.

"We need water. Foods stocked up. Hopefully we can last through until the games." Clary said.

"I can look, But I'll need help." I said grabbed the axes and the bag. I took out all of the food and other supplies I won't need. I put all the axes except for one in the bag. I slung it over my shoulder.

"I can come, I can watch from the trees." Claire Piped up. I looked at Chris and Clary. They Both shrugged as if they were saying "you're say."

"Sure put you have to be careful." I said. She grabbed a knife from her pocket. "I think I'm good."

We both climbed out of the tree. Claire stayed up high. I looked around then climbed down. I started to walked forward. I had a river in sight when a Arrow whizzed by my head it left a long line on the side of my head. Blood started to ooze out of the wound. I turned around and Saw 2's Guy. He grinned Evilly at me. I was frozen in shock. He grabbed anther arrow and Aimed it at my head. He shot it. It shot at me in lightning speed. I ducked down and it missed him. Furious He went to grab anther. Taking this chance I threw my Axe at him. He didn't notice until it was too late. I sliced at his forehead. He dropped to the ground and screamed in agony.

I walked over and grabbed my blood stained Axe. I hate killing, But I had to if I wanted to live.

He saw me and a flash of Fear showed up in his eyes.

"You messed with the wrong girl." I whispered before bringing down my axe.

I grabbed my axe once again after I heard the boom. I walked over to the river. Claire dropped from the tree. She landed Gracefully on her feet. She walked over to me. She saw the blood. She hugged me.

I hugged her back. I let her go and turned to the River. I cleaned my Axe and cupped my hands and took a drink of the water. It was safe. I grabbed the Water Bottles and filled them to the brim. I heard a scream and looked behind me. Drew was standing over Claire He held a Sword in his hand. He stabbed her in the gut. I yelled and charged at him. He saw me and Grinned Evilly. He slashed at my face. I could feel the sting of a cut that went across my whole face. I ignored it and slashed my axe at him. It hit his chest and his shirt opened up and started to be stained red with blood. He smirked once more before cutting my face right below my eye. I yelled in agony then slashed once more. It created an X on his chest. He fell to the ground. I stabbed him with his sword yelling a Swear word. Okay Maybe a few. Like Mother Trucker and Female dog. Once his Cannon boomed and I looked towards Claire. Her hair Covered her face but the tears where shown on her Face. I sobbed. I held her in my Arms.

"Sing....For....Me..." She said Weakly.

I closed my eyes. Tear flowed down my cheeks burning the cuts.


I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said, "I'll never let you go"
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone"
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window, darling,
Everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold on to this lullaby
Even when music's gone

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
La La (La La)
La La (La La)
Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
La La (La La)

Just close your eyes
You'll be alright
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound...

Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh oh oh. [repeat 'til fade]

I cupped her face and kissed her Forehead.

"After all this time, You were like a Sister. Stay like that to me, When I'm gone." She said Faintly and weakly. Tears streamed down mine and her face.


Her Cannon Boomed and She went limp. I started to cry even louder. I picked her up and set her in the river. She floated away. Her Beautiful Brown eyes looking at the sky. Her hair floated around her. I tried to stop crying because she wouldn't want that. I walked away. But not before Stepping on Drew.

When I showed up at the tree Chris and Clary, Once Deep in Conversation Gasped at the sight of me. Bloodstained, and Dirty. Tears still evident on my face. They Looked around for Claire. Clary Realized first and hugged me. She knew I was closest to her than anything. Chris hugged me too and we all had a crying fest. Soon We heard a parachute beeping and Clary walked out of the hole. Two Parachutes in her hands. I grabbed one and opened it. Inside was a strange Gel. I looked at the Note.

Sorry This is Healing Gel. Put it on your face. It should work over night, Clean up first of course. Don't want to die of an infection.

I looked at the gel. I grabbed one of the water bottles and Poured some in my Hand. I washed my face. Dirt and Blood where all over my hands. I deal with that later. I lathered the gel on my face. It started to Sting but that meant it was it was working.

In The Other Parachute was a Bread Obviously from 1. Maybe For The whole Claire Thing not Drew. Clary set the bread down and Took her knife and Cut Three pieces. Chris grabbed an Apple. He cut it into pieces and we all started to eat a Lunch Honoring Claire and Cursing Drew. Because I told them what happened.

A/N If anyone's crying the hardest it's me. It was my Plan to kill Claire off but I couldn't stand writing her in any more chapters because I knew her death was coming up. I'm still shocked over the fact that I wrote her own Brother to kill her. Do you guys have any Ideas why? If you do comment it!

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