Chapter 7: Time to Jazz

Comenzar desde el principio

Jazz: "More fun for me!"

(5 minutes later. A/n: you come and think of a really cool scene.)

As I pass through the storage room, I came across something. Something that's looks unique. Coloured with pink and grey, shaped like the dark spark but more clean. I picked it up and put in my chest for storage. After that, I continued running past everything. More White Fang cane and tried to shot at me. I dodged while shooting with Subsonic Repeater. I still kept firing until I reach my destination. As soon as I opened it, it revealed machines.

Jazz: "Bet Prime can modify this to produce energon."

I move it but damm this is heavy. Nonetheless it was easy.

(10 minutes later)

Jazz: "Almost got it.... And......... Done. Hey Cliff, are you done on your end?"

Cliffjumper: "There wasn't done minor setbacks but we got that covered. How's your end?"

Jazz: "You won't believe what I've found. I got this machine that produces stuff if Prime modified it. And I got this spark."

Cliffjumper: "Sweet, now we are done here. Let's return to base."

Location: West of Vale
Period/Timeline: Day 6, evening
Jazz's pov

Going to our new base with air transportation will take a while but no threats had come, for now.

Soldier: "Atlas ship in our direction 6 o'clock."

I spoke too soon.

Jazz: "Let me talk to them."

The soldier pass me the microphone.

Jazz: "Attention Atlas. State your purpose here or leave before we use extreme measures."

Ironwood: "This is General Ironwood and we're here to take what you have. Give us the machine and we'll leave you."

Jazz: "Negative, we cannot give you what you need."

Ironwood: "If that's the case, then open fire!"

Jazz: "How much fire power they have?"

Soldier: "Compared to us, not much."

Jazz: "All right. Send air support but not big ships. Must not show Prime's full power. Intercept then and I'll be there."

Soldier: "Alright take defence."


Jazz: "Alright! Move! Move! Move!"

The defence of the transportation and Atlasye had yet to succeed as they losing forces and capturing the machine. As for me, well I'm in the Atlas ship taking on those who fire on our transport. Nothing more.

Atlas soldier: "Stop whoever you are. You're surrounded. Give us the machine."

Jazz: "Sorry, not possible."

Transformed into my scatter blaster and shot him. I ran through many guards shooting at them in the coolest way ever.

I reach to the bridge and shut off the the guns with minimal forces.

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