The End

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Xander's p.o.v.

"Why is she out of her cell?" I all but growled at Starlet.

"I'll explain everything. Jasper, go find mom and ask her if she can make you and Jezabel a snack," Starlet said, and Jasper nodded before running off, the girl trailing behind him.

Starlet took my hand and walked to our room. She sat on the bed and I sat next to her.

"You can't blame Jezabel for what she did. She was scared for her brother. Jasper," she whispered, and the sudden realization was incredible. That's why she looked familiar.

"She took part in hurting you," I ground out. Even though she was back with me, I felt like she could slip away in a moment's notice. Like she wasn't really here.

Starlet sighed before taking my face in both her tiny hands and kissing me. Hard. I wasn't expecting it, but I responded immediately, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her onto my lap.

I bit her bottom lip and she gasped. I took that opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues battled each other for dominance and, surprisingly, she won. When she pulled back, I growled lowly. She rested her forehead against mine, trying to catch her breath.

"I am here, Alex," she said quietly, "And I'm not going anywhere."

There was a loud knock on the door, which caused Starlet to jump. I chuckled before lifting her off of me and going to get the door. Wesley was standing there with an urgency about him.

"Alpha, Luna, the border!" He gasped before turning on his heel and sprinting away. Starlet jumped to her feet.

"No way! You're staying here," I snapped at her.

"To hell I am," she said before running past me without a second glance. I growled before running after her.

She was already out the door when I got downstairs. When I made it to the border, Starlet was there, but she looked as if she'd froze. I looked around, and it felt as if time had stopped.

Standing right across the river was Ashley. She gave us a wicked grin and a wriggle of her fingers. She had two of our pups.

Vincent and Valeria, twins, were tied up and sat at Ashley's feet. They were struggling and screaming through their gags. She held a gun, which she twirled carelessly between her fingers.

"One step closer and I'll blow their brains out. Silver bullets," Ashley said, pointing the gun downwards at Vincent.

"What's your fucking deal?!" Starlet shouted angrily. Ashley glared at Starlet before replying.

"My 'deal' is that you have everything handed to you! I want you to feel my disappointment!" Ashley said. What?!

'Send eighty warriors to the south border immediately!' I heard Starlet command to the pack.

'Yes Luna,' came multiple replies. In about a minute, eighty of our warriors arrived, including Poppy, the mother of the twins. They were all in their wolf forms. When she saw the scene, her eyes went wide and instantly went into mother mode.

She growled and nearly pounced over the river to her pups.

'Stand down! Any rash movements could result in casualties,' Starlet said using her Alpha voice, and Poppy immediately obeyed.

"You're outnumbered," I said to Ashley.

'Poppy, leave the area slowly. Go back to the pack house. I want every available warrior ready when she arrives. You are to circle around the outside of the border. You'll be downwind of her,' Starlet ordered. In mere minutes, the task was done, and Poppy stood with thirty seven other warriors behind Ashley.

'Spread yourselves out in a semi-circle. Advance slowly and attack on my mark.'

All thrity eight of the warriors pounced at exactly the same time. Ashley panicked and a single shot was heard. The commotion made it impossible to see what had occurred.

"NO!" Starlet yelled, ripped out of her spot. She cleared the distance of the river in mere seconds.

At the sound of her scream, everyone stopped. Everything fell into place. Ashley dropped the gun...........and fell. She'd shot herself in the leg.

"It's alright. Everything's going to be okay," Starlet said to Vincent and Valeria. The twins were horrified, blood splattered on their faces from Ashley's wound. Poppy had untied them both and held them to her tightly, thanking the Moon Goddess that they were unharmed.

"Take them home. Get them clean. Tell Doctor Brown that they need something for the shock," Starlet said gently, but her attention wasn't on Poppy anymore.

"Get away from me!" Ashley spat, holding her injured leg.

Starlet's face was cold. Emotionless. She held up a hand, then brought it down quickly in a commanding motion. Three wolves immediately jumped forward, tearing Ashley to shreds. It was done.




"MAX!" Starlet yelled once again. We'd been searching for hours, and a horrifying thought had set in, "DON'T BE DEAD YOU IDIOT! ANSWER ME!"

"Starlet," I said gently, "he might be-"

"No," she said, tears in her eyes," I refuse to believe that for a second."

"But Star-"

"Look!" Trevor said before running forward.

To my complete shock, there he was. Max, stumbling forward. He was completely battered,but alive. Starlet ran to him, making him sit down.

"What did they do to you?" She asked him, her voice cracking.

"Nothing too bad," he ground out, "but please, get me out of here."

"Of course," we all said at the exact same time, "let's go home."


It's overrrrrrrrr! All that's left is the epilogue.

Until Next Time,


Starlet (Under Heavy Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ