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I got up to stretch after napping, and eating two sandwiches. Everyone looked so content. People were in little groups talking, while others laid in small heaps resting. I noticed Isabell in the back, her eyes closed probably sleeping. I looked around for her friend Jaelyn. I didn't see her anywhere, but I knew that she had been on the hike from clearly remembering her singing like a maniac nearly the whole way up. For some reason though, the fact that she was nowhere in sight gave me this feeling that something was wrong. I made my way over to Isabell, weaving through the throng of carefree teenagers.  Kneeling next to Isabells sleeping head I pushed her a little. 

"Isabell." I said, pushing her gently again.

Her eyes fluttered open slowly.

"What?" she says covering her eyes with her arm, trying to block out the setting sun. 

"Wheres your friend? Wheres Jaelyn?" I ask her.

She mumbles a few things before turning herself over and falling back to sleep. All I got was something about pee, and the forest. Standing up I leave her, making my way down the rocky hill to the forest below. 

The first thing I notice are the mosquito's. They are flying in giant clumps, and as soon as I am under the trees I can feel them attacking me. I look around. Not sure if what I am doing is really a good idea. What if she is  peeing? This would be awkward.... I think. But I continue to have that prickly feeling in my gut that something isn't right. 

I keep walking. I make sure to not step in the mud, and only on patches of grass. 

And then I see her...



"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

I don't know how to answer his question so I just lay there staring at him. Understanding that I'm not going to reply, he squats down next to me. 

"Come on, lets get you out of this shit." he says in a soothing whisper as he takes my hands.

He sits me up, stands himself up, then pulls me gently to my feet. The sun is barely lighting the sky. I quietly watch him as he takes off his t-shirt. Underneath he has one of those tight fitted wife beaters. His abs are visible through the thin fabric, but I don't want to be caught oggling so I stare at the ground.

"I'm going to put this on you. Okay?" He asks.

I nod, looking into his hazel eyes, wondering again why he is always helping he continues to keep aiding me when things arn't working out.  

He slides the T-shirt over my head. It is warm and smells of sweat, and a hint of manly cologne. I can't help taking a deep whiff as he pulls it over my head. He pulls my arms through the sleeves and takes out my hair from under the collar. 

"So can you speak yet? What happened, where is your shoe?" He asks as he takes his wife beater off. I watch, confused. What is he doing now? I think. He balls the shirt up pouring water onto it from a water bottle he had resting in his back pocket. He then takes the wet clothe and begins wiping the caked mud from my cheeks. He looks in my eyes while he does this, and I feel my cheeks start to heat up in the places that he rubs. 

"Jaelyn?" he asks. I remember that he asked me something.

Instead of answering his question I find myself answering his question with other questions.

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