chapter Twenty four

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"Hmm hmmm~" the man hummed.
He dragged eren's body trough the forest.
A wide smile was spread on his face, he just knew that this hunt will be te best one yet.
He crouched down and bounded eren's wrists together with rope.
The man tried to earn his cold hands.
It was freezing, it was night, the wind was cold an the mushy forest made it even worse.
The blonde haired man kept humming and grabbed a bottle of water from his back, he poured it over the unconscious eren.
Making him get even colder.
For a few minutes the man did nothing, he had to wait for eren to wake up.
He opened his bag, grabbed a flashlight and an axe out of it.
He sat down, holding the two items and waited patiently for his pray to wake up.

Levi was panicking.
Eren still wasn't home, so Levi decided to look for him.
He's not at his job, not at mikasa's house and not in the city.
"Where are you...where the fuck are you?!?!?" He pulled his hair.
"If he gets you then he'll kill you..."
Levi's eyes widened.
"The forest..."
He quickly ran to his car, pushing people aside who were in the way.
He drove to the forest.
Levi knew a 100 %sure that eren is there.
Why?'ll know soon.
He quickly parked his car, ran out of it and slammed the door shut.
He ran into the cold an dark forest.

eren opened his eyes.
He was met with darkness and coldness.
He shiffered, his body felt like it could turn into an iceblock any second.
"Rise and shine, it's time to run."
Eren looked up and was met with a tall man, the man with cold blue eyes.
Eren gulped and was terrified.
"Ahh...right, you don't know the rules of the game."
The man crouched down next to eren.
"Well, first of all, my name is Reiner" he smiled proudly.
"And, the game is called hunting. You are the prey, and I am the...beast." He showed a gun and an axe.
"You get 2 minutes to run, if I can't find you, then you win and you can escape, if I find you, you die."
He chuckled insanely.
Eren was shaking and stared at the man called Reiner.
"Well aren't you going to run?!" He yelled
Eren quickly stood up, his almost frozen legs having a lot of trouble, he ignored the pain and ran as quickly as he could.
"1 minute left!!"his voice echoed through the forest.
Tears escaped eren's eyes.
Running was painfull and hard, his tied hands behind his back making it even harder.
He ran, ran, and ran, till he couldn't.
"Hahh....Hahh...." He panted and looked for a place to hide.
a voice echoed through the forest.
Eren couldn't make clear what was said.
His eyes widened, he recognized the voice, levi's voice.
With hope in his eyes and a big smile on his lips he stated running.
A loud shot was heard.
Eren stood still.
"What was..."
He felt a sharp pain in his chest, he looked down.
A trail of blood dripped down his chest, staining his shirt.
Eren stumbled back and fell down on his back.
Reiner walked towards him.
"Crap...I meant to hit your leg, hahh..the fun has ended so bad!" He laughed and reloaded his gun.
Eren almost choked on blood that was coming up in his throat.
"..d....did you..kill...armin...?"
The question seemed to startle Reiner.
"Yeah....I did." He softly smiled.
"Together, with Levi and farlan, were called the pack." He smiled and sat down next to the bleeding eren.
" I might as well tell you everything since you'll die anyway."
Eren tried to speak but the pain in his chest made it impossible.
"Me, levi and farlan always went to hunt, we would find a person with blonde hair, flirt with them so they fall for our charms and then bring them to the forest to play the game.
The face a person makes right before they die....I can't get tired of it no matter how many times I see it. Hehe.."
Reiner held the gun against eren's forehead.
"Because of you eren...I can't play that game anymore with farlan and'll be the last candidate."
"N-no...." fear filled eren's eyes.
"Bye bye...."
Tears fell down his cheeks, he slowly closed his eyes.
Accepting his death.
A loud gunshot echoed through the forest.

~to be continued? ~

Hope you all enjoyed ;)
Votes and comments will be appreciated❤

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