chapter Twenty two

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Q & A question from Franny-Ackerman:where'd you get your inspiration for this story?
Answer:well simply said I just have a weird brain.
Sometimes an idea just pops into my head while I'm in class and that idea sticks into my head untill I do something with it😂 so that's basically how I randomly got this story.
Thank you for your question and the kind comments you post on my story franny!
A man wearing a hoodie with holes in it sat down on a small bed.
He impatiently tapped his fingers on the un used bed sheets.
"Where are you......I'm not in the mood for hide and seek..."
The man whispered to himself and stood up.
"You haven't been home for's lonely and boring when I can't watch you....."
The man stood up, walked to the nighstand and grabbed a picture frame with a photo in it.
On the photo was a smiling boy,girl and another boy,holding hands while they were looking at the ocean.
The girl stood in the middle while on the left was the brunette haired boy and on the right the blond haired one.
The man threw it on the ground so the glass shattered, he grabbed the photo and folded it so you could only see the Brown haired boy.
The man smiled to himself. "I wonder when you'll come back home's not fair if you don't play the game too you know..."
He layed down on the bed, you may have figured out that it was eren's bed and that he's in eren's house.
"I'm sure you'll'll be the first one to then hehe..armin lost the game so fast it was hellah boring..........but you'll, make it more enjoyable....won't You eren.."
The man stared intensely at the folded photo with his ice cold blue eyes.
He waited till eren came home, but eren was still at levi's house.

"Levi you okay?"
Levi looked up at eren who had worry showing in his eyes.
"Yeah I'm fine."he softly spoke and stared back at his plan to kill his i guess you can call it,ex gangmember.
Eren placed a cup of tea on Levi's desk."you've been in your office for two days's really bad for your health so just tell me what's wrong wit-"
"I'M FINE!!!" Levi yelled and threw the teacup at eren, making all the hot tea burn in eren's skin.
"E-eren I'm..." he stuttered and was so shocked.
"....I'll leave you alone..." eren walked out of the office.
"Eren wait!" Levi called after him but he shut the door.
Levi sighed and lifted a trembling hand to grab the paper in front of him.
He wants to be happy with eren so much that he's hurting eren..
If he would just stay inside levi's house forever then Levi would have nothing to worry about.
Levi picked up his pen and began to write.
"Plan....B, hide..eren from don't let him leave me..." he said out loud while writing and nodded to himself, satisfied about plan A and B.
Levi slowly stood up, he had to apologise to eren before he leaves, not like he'll let eren leave.

~to be continued~

Writing this gave me many struggles because my hand really hurts so I had to type really weird😂
Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and people this book will soon come to and end ;-;
Votes and comments will be appreciated❤

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