Chapter 22: 'New' Connection

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You still with us? Good, because we're nearly there! (😈) Btw, the reader's name will revert back to the original (Argen) so be careful on reading! Like before, name will be enclosed in parentheses so to not make it hard to find who's who. Anyways, enjoy ze chapter!

Disclaimers me adiuvat! XD

I do not, in any way, own For Honor or its setting. If I did, I would have put everyone in space.


- (Argen)'s POV -

Saidan Anaximander. A name that came to my mind as I sit across a campfire with the Lightshield Cohort in a location separate from Apollyon's. He's... a 'friend' of mine living in the middle of the three factions' territory... literally. If things go from bad to worse, he's someone who can help everyone, including the Vikings and the Samurai.

We would be moving towards Svengard by dawn and it's like in the middle of the night. So me and my men are taking a hearty dinner using ingredients from both our supplies and that we plundered from the Vikings. Oh, might I mention that we ARE in Dalborg right now; the same outpost that Mercy sabotaged. At least... what's left of it.

Speaking of which, I will have to find out why Mercy is so distant all of a sudden. I'll have to find out myself if I have to.

???: "Something bothering you, milord?" Someone beside me asks.

With me is Zirem alongside a few footmen and Captains, while Ademar and Davius are camped somewhere else, or simply roaming around.

You: "It's nothing, Zirem. Carry on with your meal." I dismiss him. Though he doesn't change his mind judging by his expression, he decided against pushing further.

Hirtzel: "Of course, milord. I should not be poking on personal business."

You: "It's fine, Zirem. No harm done anyways."

Hirtzel: "Say, we are getting to the end of our campaign here in Valkenheim. If I heard correctly, we will be going home after this, seeing that we will be able to finally teach the Vikings not to meddle with Ashfeld."

You: "There's more to it, my friend. I don't like Apollyon, neither her ruthlessness. I fear that she has something else to to do, not just with us or the Vikings. Rather, with everyone who is alive." I retort to him in an honest way. I know I can trust him, as I do the entire Cohort, since that's what they are all about.

Hirtzel: "Well, whatever your decision may be, we are all with you Lord (Lorderius), isn't that right boys?"

Lightshields: "Ja, of course!/Indeed./No doubt about that!" The men with me say in unison, in which I chuckle amusingly.

You: "I know I can always depend on you boys." I say to them with a smile.

Kalec Lorderius: (Narrating) "(Argen) sure did well in training them. I am very proud of him..."

Holden Cross: (Narrating) "I'm sure you are, my friend. He has come far. I can only wonder what great things (Argen) can achieve, once he find out the truth of Apollyon's mission..."

But I swear that Apollyon has something to do with the chaos happening not just here in Valkenheim, but also back in Ashfeld. The collapse of both two powerful legions of the Regal and of the Darkroses and now, the Irons. I feel as if they are all connected.

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