Chapter 2 (Part I): Warlords and Cowards

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Second part coming up! As I said last chapter, this part would be covering the very first mission of For Honor's campaign as the title says. I may also give some other named characters backstories to make things interesting. Again, I did not like the idea of giving NPCs names without backgrounds. So I will do that to them, probably not all them 'cause I may or may not make other OC's for the story. Also, this part will introduce the female Warden the reader will be paired with, so watch out for that!

Of course, Disclaimer first:

I do not, in anyway own For Honor. If I did, I would have made every female's armor pink.


"A really strong woman accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars."

-Carly Simon

"The Wardens... members of an ancient order, fallen into dust. Sworn to defend the weak, masters of the longsword. Their origins lost to history, still they fight for what is right. Driven by duty devoted to their people... but only a few, may join their order."

-The Wardens' description

???: (Narrating) "I am the Warlord of the Blackstone Legion. In that year, I sent one of my commanders, Holden Cross, to punish a betrayer. There was a Warden there, in the way. There are many Wardens. This one would prove unique."

- Cross' POV -

We're here now. You're cornered, so no more turning back, Daubeny. I did not want this but you left us no choice. I refocused on the inevitable battle that is to happen.

Ademar: "Time to make them pay for their crimes. Archers, open fire!" My second blurts out to the archers we brought with us.

Sure enough, there are already opposition along the walls, and there were plenty of them outside of the gate which were dealt with by the Wardens Ademar and (Y/n). The gate is shut closed, however. I scoffed. Its probably Daubeny's cowardice getting the better of him now. He is not known to be the bravest Knights I met, nor he was intelligent for that matter. Still, he has potential as a leader, just not obvious. Then again, we vastly outnumber them so its understandable for their part. If they are not going to face us head on, then we just have to climb on them, literally.

Me: "I want ladders on the walls now! Get men climbing up once they are in position, move! Get the catapults ready to fire!"

Footman: "Sir, yes sir!"

- Amber's POV - (A/n: I may have copied the transcripts from the wikia of For Honor :/)

The name's Amber Peltaris. Warden for a couple of years now. Didn't belong to any legion, since the one I came from, the Darkrose Legion got defunct due to 'political issues.' I doubt that, though I could care less since politics never interested me. Currently, I am working as a mercenary; using my skills to aid anyone in need. This is not out of choice. This a necessity for me to survive, since I have no one to run to. In other words, I have to fend for myself. Just a few days ago, a Knight by the name of Hervis Daubeny invited me to work for him. Not sure if as a permanent member or just a mercenary. Either way, the price was better than the rest of the clients I worked for so I couldn't refuse.

I noticed that Daubeny's 'legion' is kind of, underwhelming. I expected a sizable force under his command, instead they are just a little more than a group of bandits united under one banner. Just a little more organized, I guess... Its kinda strange how they managed to pay me a hefty price with such a run-down fortress. Well it does look like it is. I may be just exaggerating but whatever. Can't be choosy with my employers these days.

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