Chapter 8 (Part I): And Stay Out

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Chapter 8 bois! Second mission of the campaign will be covered right here, right now! And you came to the right fanfic XD! Not much to say from my part so, onto the storeh!

The Knights agree to the disclaimer! Deus Vult XD:

I do not, in anyway own For Honor or its story and other contents. If I did, dragons would have existed here.


"A stronger defense is an investment in peace."

-Ronald Reagan

???: (Narrating) "That female Warden proved more than worthy. But there was still much work to be done. The Vikings were about to destroy the last Iron Legion sanctuary in Ashfeld. My Blackstone Legion would save them."

- General POV, within the falling fortress... -

Amber: (Narrating) "There are many Legions. The Iron Legion is the greatest among them. But in Ashfeld, the Iron Legion was about to be routed. Their commander, Stone, needed an army. Holden Cross sent me and (Y/n)."

The scene cuts to Stone, taking cover from arrows behind a wall. He looks outside the castle and sees a horde of Vikings engaging his knights. He looks back in the castle where more troops wait. Seeing the back gate open, the Wardens comes in.

Stone: "Blackstones! Where are our reinforcements?"

The gate closes shut. The male looks at the gate, then back at his female companion.

Amber: "We're it."

Stone: (buries his head in his arm, shaking his head) "Is this a joke?" (to the gate keeper) "Open the gate!" (to The Wardens) "Lead us out, Blackstone! Good luck!"

(Y/n): (Narrating) "The battle was already lost. We needed to change that."

The Wardens charge into battle, cutting down the Vikings in their path.

- (Y/n)'s POV -

Together with Amber and the Iron Legion soldiers, we cut down the Viking marauders in front of us. Not too hard, though we did face a Viking Sergeant but even that guy wasn't a big deal.

Amber: "Advance! Push them back!" I hear Amber say to the men while eliminating the rest of the marauders.

You: "Show them that Ashfeld is not welcome to them!" I shout to everyone, somehow inspiring the Iron soldiers.

Seeing more marauders joining their brethren while we push them back, I smirk.

You: (Lowly) "Alright. Let's do this."

Amber: "(Y/n), we need to take back the flanks."

You: "Right."

I take a look at the battlefield; fallen men from both sides and burning carts littered the ground.

???: (Narrating) "Warriors rarely see the people their wars affect. The displaced. The murdered. The starving. I saw all that, when I was younger. I never forgot the lesson."

The gate may have been cleared but there were Vikings flooding onto the battlefield. The only way to win was to gain a tactical advantage. Me and Amber rush towards a building. Seeing how it could tactically help our battle, we went for it.

As we approach the entrance, we were met by what appears to be a female Viking Berserker.

You: "I got this one." I say to Amber and she nods.

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