Chapter 20: Brothers or Duty?

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Hello and welcome to another chapter for this fanfic! Btw, there's a book, or 'archive' as If I'd like to call it that I made for the characters and the factions and probably events too, so go check that to see their descriptions from my perspective :D

Mah disclaimers!:

I do not, in any way, own For Honor or any media used in the fanfic. If I did, I would have been filthy rich :/


"Being sister and brother means being there for each other."

          - Unknown

- Flashback, General POV... -

Madison: "... Yes, well, the (L/n)s are very interesting. You see, they are a part of a prophecy or something that I heard of from the local tavern in the Scrublands."

It was a cloudy day for the three young Knights. These are Dane Madison, Jarvis Stone and Paris Cromwell, all conversing inside a tavern in the Sanctuary of Harrowgate. They are currently talking about the legend of the (L/n)s, a subject that intrigued them and including those listening around them.

Cromwell: "Yes, what about it? I haven't read about it very well."

Madison: "From what I heard, the House of (L/n) Is responsible for the Defense of Ashfeld decades ago."

Stone: "That one story when an army of Knights held out a hundred thousand invaders?"

Madison: "Precisely! For six damn years on top of that! Who would've thought, right? A single house managed to unite Ashfeld under one banner within three years to fight off an invading force?"

Cromwell: "Impossible. It would take more than ten houses to even form an alliance of two to three legions. Uniting Ashfeld in entirety would take a hundred houses within decades."

Stone: "You're basing your opinion from our present day, Paris. Remember that the legend happened decades ago."

Madison: "Exactly. It seems impossible especially in our time today, but the (L/n)s did it all alone with their bare hands. Well, not exactly 'bare hands'. They were a rich and powerful house back then, just like any other houses."

Cromwell: "You said that this is a legend, right?"

Madison: "Uh, yes. Why'd you ask?"

Cromwell: "If it is a legend, then it means that this can be incorrect, inaccurate."

Madison: "Believe what you may, but I believe that the legend is real. It may sound too good to be true, but eh..."

Stone: "I don't know what side to take ._."

Kalec (L/n): (Narrating) "It was decades ago when my grandfather led the defense of Ashfeld. It is understandable for the people of the present day to forget the past. After all, that's what happens to everyone who dies: forgotten to the past."

- Present day, Cromwell's POV -

Sitting idly after bringing so many of those Vikings that Apollyon 'handpicked' might be the best thing right now. Truthfully, I am not too fond of what is Apollyon thinking right this very moment, but I have no choice but to obey, for now.

... So that's what the Legend of the (L/n)s that I just remembered. Very interesting, if anything...

Cross: "Cromwell, are you listening?" The Lawbringer asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

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