Chapter 7: A Promising Conversation

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Been a while since I covered a mission from the campaign. If things go well for me, I should be able to cover the next one. Oh well, more character development hopefully for the main characters. Also just a reminder: the reader's default name is Argen Lorderius. Anyways, presented to you by APz (me): Chapter 7!

I think I need a library for different disclaimer segments:

I do not, in anyway own For Honor or its character classes. If I did, I would have added the Spartan Hoplites as playable character.


Actually, that's not a bad idea :v


"Courage and Valor turn heroes into legends. But Trust can create everlasting friendship, with people who will follow you even in the deepest of valleys."


- (Y/n)'s POV -

You: "So, what did you want to talk about Amber? " I ask my female companion.

Amber: "Well, I figured that we would probably work together for a long time. So, it wouldn't hurt for me to get to know you, right?" She inquires.

You: "Heh, alright then. Fair point you got there." I tell her, in which she responded with a slight giggle.


You: "Anyways, what do you want to know?"

Amber: "I think I'll save the best questions for later. Can you tell me about the Lightshield soldiers, and how they came to be?"

You: "Ah yes, the men under my command. For starters, everyone in it considered each other as friends, perhaps family. But let me tell you its history since its what you were curious about..."

Flashback ((Y/n)'s narration), almost 3 years ago...
((A/n): The whole thing is a reference btw. Lemme know if you know that)

You: (Narrating) "You see, I wasn't the original commander of the Cohort, and they weren't called the Lightshields either."

In a rocky terrain, a Knight is marching with a mass of footmen behind him. He has a well decorated outfit along with his armor, Blackstone markings are also prominent.

You: (Narrating) "His name is Eric Silverland. Leader of 7th "Silverland" Regiment and one of the very first members of the Blackstone Legion. And yes, the troops were named after him, which I am a member of. I don't know him that much, but he was an important member during the early days of the Legion."

Amber: (To (Y/n)) "So what happened to him?"

Eric was then seen negotiating with what appears to be a city governor, with his men taking battle positions a mile north away from the city. (Y/n) is seen among the soldiers, giving out commands here and there.

You: (Narrating) "It was a different time, a different enemy. A city within Ashfeld is being threatened by barbarians of unknown origin. Long info short: a detachment of 4,000 Knights was sent down to face a force of approximately 20,000 enemy fighters. Our mission, was to force the barbarians back and protect the city and its defenseless civilians and keep them safe..."

Suddenly, two blades locked with each other; one of them parried, resulting in him killing the other. In a bird's point of view, a massive battle was taking place during a stormy night. Whenever a Knight fell, the barbarians paid with ten of theirs.

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