"That's a long time." Madison tells Kendall while looking at her strangely.

Kendall looks back at Madison with the same look. "I need to do hair, make up, clothes, shoes, and more!" She says while attempting to stand up off of the couch but Jesy pulls her back down.

"Relax girly." Jesy tells Kendall. "We got time." She says while watching Kendall calm down.

"I guess I could spare an hour." Kendall says which causes Y/n to jokingly roll her eyes.

"You're crazy." Y/n tells Kendall who sticks her tongue out at the girl.

"At least I don't befriend my ex's." Kendall fires back at Y/n and now it's Y/ns turn to stick her tongue out at Kendall as all of her friends "ooh" at what Kendall said.

"At least I have ex's." Y/n says which causes Perrie to laugh extremely hard at and for Kendall to wave her hand to.

"I have ex's!" Kendall debates and just as she's about to list all of them a knock is heard at the door.

Y/n gets off of Perries lap and begins walking towards the door, since she figures that the person at it is Camila. She looks behind her and sees Kendall following her. Y/n looks through the seeing hole and looks at Camila standing at the door fiddling with her hands.

"It's her." Y/n tells Kendall and opens up the door, surprising Camila at first.

Camila jumps at the sudden opening of the door but as soon as she sees Y/ns face her heart leaps up. "Hi!" She says a little too over excitedly but it doesn't bother her.

It only bothers Madison, who's watching from the living room couch. She's a little afraid of having Camila around since she's Y/ns ex. Madison knows that there was no feelings from Camilas side of the relationship but she fears that Y/n still has feelings towards her which is why Y/n continuously invites Camila over.

"Hi." Y/n says and opens the door fully allowing for Camila to come in and wrap her arms around her friend.

Camila hadn't seen Kendall, or anyone else yet, since she's been focused on Y/n. "How was your flight?" Kendall asks Camila politely while closing the door.

After hearing Kendall's voice Camila jumps out of Y/ns arms and looks at her, still to this day Kendall scares her. "Pretty good, Lauren pissed off the flight attendants though since she got high in the bathroom." She laughs at the end.

"Lauren smokes weed?" Kendall asks Camila who nods her head in response while looking over at Y/n who's walking back towards the living room.

"That explains why her teeth are so yellow." Jesy says while putting her hand up in the air searching for someone to give her a high-five, which Kendall does as soon as she sits back down on the couch.

Y/n sits in Madisons lap while Camila, awkwardly, sits beside the couple. "How's life?" Madison asks Camila politely.

"Good." Camila says with a small smile while watching Madison intertwine her hand with Y/ns, which makes her stomach ache. "You two are a very cute couple." She says pretending to be fine with the situation in front of her.

"We know." Madison says before pecking Y/ns lips.

"She meant to say thank you." Y/n says with a smile while leaning her head on Madisons shoulder.


Perrie got Camila to come to the club with them after a few hours of telling her to come. What finally made Camila come was when Y/n asked her to tag along. Camila didn't know why Y/n had that affect on her, but she did.

Currently, the group of girls are standing in the middle of Score Nightclub enjoying their night. Y/n and Madison were dancing together, and Camila was dancing alone until, a very drunk, Kendall started to dance with her.

Camila started to find herself less intimidated by Kendall and Little Mix since she spent hours with them and got to know them better. She's hoping that they are thinking that she's a part of their friend group.

The girls have been in the club for a few hours and Y/n is starting to get tired of it. She hates breathing in the hot, alcohol smell filled air, so she decides to leave.

"I'm gonna go get some air." A sober Y/n leans down to her semi-drunk girlfriend's ear and says with a loud whisper so she can be heard over the music.

Madison leaves a wet kiss on Y/ns cheek. "I'll be waiting." She says and takes her back off of Y/ns front allowing her to leave. Madison skips off and dances with Jesy and Jade by the drag show.

Y/n walks past Leigh-Anne and Perrie who are sitting at the table they rented. She tells them what she's doing and Leigh-Anne offers to come. "I'll be fine on my own Leigh, but thank you." She says and begins her walk to the back door of the club.

It's a dark, smelly alley way behind the club. Y/n can hear the music booming from inside the club. She knows that she isn't alone back here since there are probably people getting high off drugs, but she doesn't mind.

Y/n leans against the back wall of the club and looks up at the sky. The full moon is shining down on her, which reminds her of her night with Normani back when they were one sidedly fake dating. She pushes the memories out of her mind but keeps her stare on the moon.

All of a sudden, something crashes from the left of Y/n. She whips her head to the right and her eyes pop out of her head. Y/n pushes herself up off of the wall to run away but it's too late.

The person, covered in black clothing, wraps their hand around Y/ns arm and pulls the girls body into theirs then places their hand over Y/ns mouth so she can't scream. "You're ours now." The deep voice whispers into Y/ns ear allowing for his foul breath to travel to Y/ns nose.

Y/n crinkles her nose up at the stench and wants to tell the person off but she keeps on flailing her legs to try and escape, even though it's no use.

A second person appears from inside the shadows with an object in their hand. "This won't hurt." The voice says the laughs. "Wait never mind." It says then raises the object up over its head and swings it in the direction of Y/ns head.

lmao can work stop taking up all of my free time so i can finish this story for you guys


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