"Xavier," Bellamy's voice got me back to reality, and I glanced over my shoulder at him. He stood behind me, looking at me with a concerned gaze, and once again I was forced to turn my gaze away from him and back to the life outside the window.

"She's not going to do it," he said softly, trying to make sure Clarke, who sat on the other side of the room, did not hear us, "And we can't make her do it. It'll destroy her."

I clenched my jaw.

Four months ago, I would have caved to sentiment. I would have caved to reason, and emotion, and everything that would have made me feel human.

I would have caved to pain.

But lacking empathy, and feeling the need to survive the worst to come, I turned towards Bellamy, and said, "She'll get over it."

Bellamy stood stunned. He was not expecting me to say it.

Tough luck, Bell, I thought as I watched him figure out the person that I had become. You're part of the reason why I had become this person.

I turned towards Clarke and began to walk towards her; "You will send a messenger to Polis, Clarke."

She glanced up at me.

"You will write to Lexa," I said demandingly, "You will tell her that Arkadia, and the Skaikru, will not be part of the war between Trikru and Azgeda. You will tell her that Kane will keep his seat in the council, representing the people of Arkadia, and that you will heed to every other demand made by her. But you will NOT be part of this war."

"Xavier," Bellamy called out to me.

"If you don't," I said as I stood in front of her a panicked Clarke, "I will feel the need to tell Queen Nia that you are Lexa's lover, and mind you, she was not very hospitable towards the last one."

Clarke stared at me horrified. She was not sure what horrified her the most though. Was it the words I had spoken, or was it the person I had become? Needless to say, neither bothered me.

I needed to get out of this mess Roan had created for me. I needed to make sure he did not rip my head off my shoulders for failing to make him King of Azgeda.

I needed to get rid of Lexa for good.


I was on my way to the throne room. The sound of our footsteps echoed through the hallway as the guards escorted me to my destination. I no longer walked like a prisoner. With my chin up high, and my shoulders back, I walked with a purpose.

Queen Nia summoned me to the throne room a few days after I confronted Clarke to pull Skaikru out of the war. She had done as she was demanded to, and with a heavy heart she wrote a personal letter to her beloved. Kane argued and demanded to know the reason why she did as she did, but for the sake of my plan, she remained quiet.

As the doors opened to reveal the queen sitting on her throne, I entered the room and realized that I was not alone. Ontari, as always, stood beside her queen, Roan, being the re-proclaimed Prince of Azgeda stood on the other side of his mother, and Clarke and Kane stood waiting for me to join them.

I knew this meeting would take place.

"Xavier," Queen Nia addressed me as the guards left, closing the door behind them, "It is very nice of you to finally join us."

"My Queen," I curtsied, glanced at Roan and saw him looking slightly confused, and then returned my gaze back to her, "I apologize for the delay. I was feeling unwell."

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