When they hurt your feelings

411 13 3

-You walk away
-"Don't follow me."
-You tell him to leave you alone

-You just walked away
-Gabe followed him around for WEEKS
-"Okay Y/N I'm sorry!"

-You rolls your eyes at him
-You look every where but him
-Won't let him touch you

-Closes eyes
-Takes deep breath
-You let two tears leave your eyes
-He's hugging you saying sorry

-I can't see this happening

-Your so freaking petty
-You deleted all his pictures
-Changed your phone background and lockscreen
-Debated on losing your streak
-Changed all his nicknames

~~~Authors Note~~~
Requested by: Twix_Og
Hey! I'm still working on some of the requests but leave some more lmao I still can't leave my bed. The one preference for Will I took from personal times I told my best friend Taylor that she couldn't stay and she did all of that making me cry lmao. Hope you all enjoy this book so far also thank you so much for the 3K reads I never thought this book would get so far.

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