When he can't sleep

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-Moves around without waking you up
-Just stares at the celing
-Cuddles you

-Can't get comfy
-Just stares at you
-Moves your hair away from your face
-Kisses your cheek

-Tosses and turns obnoxiously
-Groans to wake you up
-Pulls you closer
-Kisses your neck
-"If I can't sleep you don't get too."

-Just lets you sleep
-Stays in one spot even though he needs to move
-Slowly tries to get his phone

-He's overthinking everything
-stares at you repeating he doesn't deserve you
-"I know I'm gonna regret this."
-Wakes you up
-"Y/N I really don't deserve you, you should find someone better."
-"There is nobody better."
-C U D D L E S

-Stares at the ceiling
-Turns on his phone
-Forgot to turn off the volume
-Wakes you up
-You fall asleep hugging him while he watches videos
Authors note!
Okay sooooooo I just got a 2 hour delay and I'm bored just waiting so there's probably gonna be a few more updates in the next hour or so just cuz I love writing them and seeing ur reactions

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