Chapter 022: How Dare You?

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Jaebum didn't know how this all came about. All he remembers was going to meet up with his lover and was taken away. Being taken into the world of betrayal, torture, and fear. He laid in the same position he was left in. Back against the mattress, new bruises adorning against his skin, blood pooled underneath his bum, even some dried blood on his inner thighs, gag stuffing his mouth, and dried tears on his cheeks. Even some semen.

He continuously fell in and out of consciousness. He feared that he would come back in for another round. Jaebum never felt so weak and disgusting. And within the next few minutes the door slammed open. His body flinched and trembled with fear. "I'm back, Kitty. Wah, don't you look so pretty," he smiled as he caressed Jaebum's puffy cheek. "Now, as much as I'm sure we'd like another round, unfortunately we cannot at the moment." Jaebum never felt so relieved.

"Would you like to untied, Kitty?" Jaebum looked stunning the man before him with hopeful eyes and nodded his head stiffly. He was unsure on what was going to happen, but if it was to get him out of this position, he would do what was asked of him. "What's the proper way to ask?" The voice became deep and stern as he removed the gag. Jaebum gulped, throat dry and raspy.

"Please, Sir, may I be untied?"


Jaebum was crouched onto the floor, wiping it with a brush with a bucket of water beside him. He was no longer the ragged boxers, but a maid's outfit with nothing underneath. "So that I may have easy access." he remembers his captor saying. "We'll be having a new guest stay with us. So I expect this house to be spotless and in the best shape. Whatever is not done- Well, I'm sure you know what comes next."

Jaebum played those lines over and over again in his head. A new guest? Not the only one anymore? Had he already found a new victim? He only hoped it wasn't what he thought. It can't be.


Jonghyun's panting body gave out on top of Kibum. The two have had a few rounds of sex, now utterly worn out. "I don't know how I'll be able to walk." Jonghyun chuckled as he laid into his back. "I'm telling you, it was a mistake for you to wear those booty shorts." Kibum laughed as he brushed Jonghyun's wet hair strands from his forehead.

Kibum was sure he would feel the pain from Jonghyun scratching his back later. "I didn't scratch you harshly, did I?" "It's okay. Shows how much you loved it." A kiss was shared between the two before Kibum snuggled into his love's neck. "I swear, you are such a cuddle bug."

"Hey, Jjong? You know how much I love you, right?" The smaller looked at him. "I appreciate you so much and for all you do for me. I'm sorry for the times I mess up. But I promise, I'll do better."

"Key, is everything alright?" Jonghyun asked in a concerned tone. He noticed some stray tears rolling down Kibum's face and some sniffles. "I just... I love you so much and I never want to lose you." It saddened the other to see his lover cry. No words were exchanged before Jonghyun gave a long warm kiss to the other before holding him. "I love you too."


Over the course of the next few days, Jonghyun returned to his normal schedule. The house seemed to have gotten more messier, so he threw himself to power clean the home. Though he may be Kibum's boyfriend, he still has a job to fulfill. He had begun creating and writing his own music, already have beats and concepts ideas in mind. Kibum said he would make some arrangements and create a meeting to meet with a producer. Jonghyun couldn't wait.

Although the lingering thought of Jae Suk stayed in the back of his mind, he did begin to grow a bit suspicious about Kibum. He took notice of how much more loving and sweet he's been. He assumed it was to make up for the ugly encounter they had a while back. But it also concerned him. Kibum wouldn't let him into his office, hides his phone messages, is quick to deny the other to come to his office in the building not contribute to his fashion work. Was there something he was trying to hide...? Jonghyun felt outcasted and shut out. He hoped that by bringing some lunch will help ease the tension.


Jonghyun sat on the front steps of the building, tears cascading at an accelerated pace from his eyes, sobs escaping his mouth and heart feeling as if it's about to burst. How could Kibum do this him?

Earlier in Kibum's office:

Jonghyun didn't think it would be such a harmful thing to surprise his boyfriend at work. But Kibum found that to be the opposite. "Why is so bad that you don't want me here? Huh? Why do you keep shutting me out!" Jonghyun screamed.

"It's not that! I'm trying very hard to work on a big show and you're distracting me!" Kibum yelled in response. After realizing what he said, he felt remorse. "Jjong, I didn't mean that. I-It came out wrong." Jonghyun felt his emotions rise and needed to sit down for a moment. That was when he noticed a piece of clothing stuffed between the cushions. Ad he pulled it out it was lingerie.

"What the fuck is this?" Jonghyun didn't hold back with his words this time. He, himself was fuming and seeing woman's lingerie in his boyfriend's office didn't look good whatsoever. "I don't know. That's not mine! I didn't even how it got there."

"You're lying. I don't believe you. How does a woman's lingerie end up in your office!? Have you been fucking someone behind my back the entire time? Is it your secretary? Answer me!"

"I'm telling you, no! I honestly don't know whose that's is it how it even got in my office! As for my secretary, she has been nothing but kind and helpful. Never once had it pursued into anything! There is no one else. Only you."

As much as Jonghyun wanted to immediately run into his lover's arms and believe his words, his emotions forbade him. "I-If you lost interest in males, or specifically me, why didn't you t-tell me? How could you betray my trust? I loved and forgave you despite your outbursts and when you'd outcast me. Yet you do this..."

"Please, Jjong. Don't leave. We can talk about this." Kibum pleaded. Jonghyun shook his head and stormed out of his office. "Fuck!"


"Jonghyun? Is that you?" The smaller male looked up from the floor and saw Minho standing before him, his expression filled with worry. Jonghyun immediately stood up and threw himself into Minho's arms, crying softly. Minho was unsure what was wrong but embraced the other. "Come, let's get you home." he whispered. "I'll take care of you."

He smiled to himself as everything was going according to plan. Placing the women's lingerie set in Kibum's office was the perfect ploy to set it up as if Kibum was cheating.


He smiled. He smiled that his plan went right according to plan. Planting the lingerie in Kibums office. Although it hurt Jonghyun, it was all part of the plan. Minho grasped tighter onto the other male, kissing his hair, before placing him in the passenger seat of his car. "Come, I'll take care you." He repeated once more.

"Finally. You're mine.



Well, wasn't that a long chapter? I hope I didn't bore you. 😅 So much has happened... BUT. THE TRUE STALKER/MASTERMIND HAS CAME TO LIFE!! To anyone who guessed and thought it was Minho, HIGH FIVE! 🖐🏼 It was the person you least suspected. 😏 Can't wait to begin the next chapter. Stay tuned! Be sure to share, comment your thoughts and vote for a quicker update!

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