Chapter 004 : School Bully

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Kibum's line of work surrounded being a tailor. And it's not an easy job as people claim for it to be. To be able to come up with new clothing styles, looking through swatches and fabrics, finding accessories and looking at makeup looks, finding the models, was all too much. But he always managed to pull through, the result, spectacular and trending throughout shops and stores around Korea.

At the moment, he was sketching some new clothing ideas, tongue stuck out in concentration and eyes focused. There was a knock at the door. "Come in." he grunted, not wanting to be disturbed. "Sir," Kibum looked up and upon seeing Jonghyun's face, he felt some of the stress and anger dissipate slowly from his shoulders. Seeing the maid, made him feel so much better.

It was now going on the second week of Jonghyun working as a maid. Kibum payed good money for only his first week, and he praised him for doing good work once in a while. It had seemed to pass Jonghyun's oblivious mind that Kibum would send hungry looks, body checks, yet stare in admiration for a while, before returning to work.

"I brought you some tea... And I've come to dust your shelves, if that's all alright?"

"Is that not what I'm paying you for?"

The tone came out snappy and harsh, and Jonghyun felt a tug at his heart. Of course no one enjoyed being scolded or yelled at. Jonghyun merely nodded and grabbed hold of his cleaning rag and spray. He hummed a light tune as he cleaned, organized, and wiped. His chest was to the shelf and his back facing Kibum. Kibum felt sudden urges erupt within him and this time, he didn't think he could hold back.


"Oh baby, you have no clue what you do to me." Jonghyun was pushed against the wall, Kibums body pressed against his. "S-sir w-wha-" Jonghyun was cut off from speaking by Kibum pressing a finger to his lips. "Do you you mind I do this?" He began planting soft butterfly kisses on his cheek, jaw, and now his neck. The smaller male, couldn't help but let out some soft moans while failing to push the other male away. Jonghyun imagined what this moment would be like and when or how it would happen.

Kibum ran his long fingers gently over Jonghyun's body, letting them caress and grip the skin of the smaller hips; loving how they were made for hands to fit perfectly. In Kibums mind, he knew it was too soon for them to be kissing, but at the moment, fuck it.

He hovered his mouth above the other males and lightly pecked his lips before connecting them. It was slow and passionate. It was as if the two just let out their emotions and hidden desires as they kissed. When the two pulled away to catch breath, a string of saliva loosely hung from their bottom lips. Jonghyun was panting and his face red as tomato. There was a slight bulge in his own pants and he whimpered in embarrassment. Kibum his own bulge, his erection wanting to escape. He tried to ignore it for the moment.

"Mr. Kim, Jonghyun. I apologize if I had a crossed a line. I let my emotions and desires get the best of me."

"N-no. It's okay.." Jonghyun couldn't hide his blush, face red as a tomato. He bowed to Kibum before scurrying out the office. He did a small happy dance and couldn't stop the goofy smile that made way towards his lips. "Woah..."


Jonghyun woke up at his usual time and began getting ready for school. Getting up from his bed, he stretched and heard his bones crack. He spent quite a vast amount of time running to and fro in Kibums home. He washed the dishes, swept and mopped the floors, dusted the furniture, washed the laundry, and even cooked him dinner. If Kibum was paying him for the amount he was, he'd make sure to do everything and neatly.

Refreshing and dressing himself, his phone rang. "Hey Jjong, I'm sorry, I won't be able to pick you up. I'm sorry." Jonghyun replied and told him not to worry. Checking the time, he grabbed his bag and locked the door before heading off.

Jonghyun was reading from his literature book when he bumped into somebody's back. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" He bowed and when looking at the person, his heart palpitated and stomach dropped. It was Jae Suk, his college bully. Jae Suk's father was a big restaurant business owner and rich. "Well, well, well. Look at who it is." He snickered and threw a heavy hand onto Jonghyun. The smaller couldn't help but look down at his feet, clenching his hand onto his book, and just prayed that Jae Suk would let him go.

"It's not nice to respond to your Hyung." His tone was dark and broody.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. P-please let me go."

Jae Suk didn't like that response and gripped Jonghyun's forearm tightly and pulled him to the side of the university, pushing him against the wall. Something about people looking small and helpless seemed to turn him on. He loved having that surge of confidence and domination. He smacked the smaller a few times and held a death grip around his waste. "Now babe, don't make me repeat myself again. I'll make sure your punishment is worse next time." He murmur into his ear.

Jonghyun tried pushing Jae Suk away once he began groping his ass. "S-stop."

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" The two males turned their heads to voice, and Jonghyun saw a tall, lean, and buff man staring at them, hands balled in a fist. The unknown male looked at Jonghyun and his tears and slap marks left on his cheeks, the skin turning pink and red. It made his anger boil.

The two males broke out into a fight, Jonghyun shaking and pleading for them to stop. It was too overwhelming. The unknown male gave one last punch before Jae Suk ran away. "Are you alright?" Jonghyun froze and fat tears ran down his cheeks. A hand was placed on his shoulder. Normally he would have flinched, but this mans touch, was soothing. It felt safe. Jonghyun stiffly nodded.

"Shall I take you to the hospital? You're cheek is beginning to bruise and swell."

"O-okay... W-wait!" Jonghyun paused. "What's your name?"

"Minho. Choi Minho."


He saw Jae Suk cornering the small male and how he put his disgusting, putrid hands on his Jonghyun. This angered him so so much. No one should dare think about touching his baby. And he'll make sure of that.



How was this chapter? I tried involving some Jongkey sexual tension to fit a mood lol. And boom, we have the introduction of Minho! It was great that he came when he did to rescue Jonghyun. What a way to first meet.

About the actual bullying portion; I myself had struggled with bullying and physical abuse from those bullies, so writing it; it's hard to actually form it. Hopefully you understand my point.

Please comment your thoughts below and give this chapter a vote! 🥰

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