Chapter 018: Contemplating

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Jonghyun called Jinki and Taemin a few times for a short while, but received no answer. It was then he remembered that couple went away for the week. He felt as if he had no one else to call. Not until he came across Minho's number. He took the option and dialed it. It rung until, eventually Minho answered. "Hey, Jonghyun. What's up?"

"M-Minho," A sob escaped his mouth as he thought about what had happened not too long ago. "C-can you come? P-please?" Minho grew nervous and worried as he heard the other cry. He coached him to relax or else, Jonghyun would go through another anxiety attack like the one before. "I'll be right over."


It wasn't long until Minho burred through the front doors. He called for the younger's name, looking in all directions for him. When he came to the kitchen, he saw a disaster. Food decorated the floor and cabinets, the table on the side, glass broken. What made his heart ache, was seeing Jonghyun leaned against the wall, holding his legs, and his silent sobs. Walking slowly to the other, Minho crouched and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Jonghyun flinched upon being touched; thinking it was Kibum. When he looked up, he immediately hugged the other, sobbing into his shirt. Minho embraced the smaller, letting him cry. At first, he was confused on what happened but judging by the mess, glass broken, and Jonghyun's swollen cheek, he had a certain idea in mind.

"Jjong, come on. You'll be coming home with me. I won't let you stay here, especially alone." The younger didn't protest or say anything except nod. Helping him get up, he gently walked with the other towards his car, leaving a drunk, sleeping Kibum alone in the house. "Kibum, you asshole." Minho growled.


Jonghyun groggily opened his eyes, a weird, throbbing discomfort all over his face. He was about remove the crust from his swollen, tired eyes but his arm was restricted. Turning to his side, he saw what was Minho's body spooning his own. He looked at his surroundings seeing that this was not his bedroom. It also didn't help that Minho was shirtless and his clothes were changed.

"Hm? Oh, good morning, Jjong." Minho whispered as he saw the other already up. The other quickly escaped his arms and stood up. "Before you say anything, don't worry. Nothing happened between us last night." Jonghyun released a sigh of relief. He couldn't live with himself, knowing that he cheated on his boyfriend. Let alone with his boyfriend's best friend. In that moment, all of last night's memories came. The harsh impact from the hit lingered on his cheek. His ears still rung from hearing the glass shatter. The ugly and scary look of Kibum imprinted in his mind. It hurt.

"I'm sorry for cuddling you the way I was. I have a tendency to cuddle my pillows when I sleep. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable." Jonghyun thanked him for his apology. In all honesty, it was kind of odd. Minho was nice, tall and warm. Jonghyun felt so small in his arms. His scent was musky and wonderful, his body ripped and toned. But one thing. He wasn't Kibum.

"Would you like some breakfast? And we can talk, yeah?" Jonghyun nodded and allowed Minho to not only give him a tour of his apartment, but also make him breakfast. Although Jonghyun had such a great love for singing and music, he also had one for cooking. In the kitchen, that's where art is made. And by art, he means tacos.


After breakfast Minho let Jonghyun shower and lent him some clothes to wear. Now the two friends sat in Minho's living room, drinking tea, and began to briefly discuss last night's events. "If you are comfortable enough to speak with me, then please do. I wish to know what happened last night. What did Kibum do?" Jonghyun took a deep breath.

"I don't know what went wrong... With everything going on at work, I felt that by making Kibum a nice meal would help. He hasn't been eating that much for the past week. He came a bit later than normal and stumbled in drunk. At first when I tried helping get up, he pushed me away. And when getting him some water, he pushed the glass out of my hand. Then he threw the food, turned the table and pushed me against the wall," Jonghyun felt his chest constrict and his voice cracked. Minho held his hand.

"H-he accused me of cheating... I told him that I wasn't. I really wasn't. But he didn't believe me and that's when he smacked me. I don't think I ever seen him that angry before." Jonghyun trembled and tried rubbing his temples to relive the pounding pain in his head.

"I am so sorry, Jjong." was all Minho said before hugging the smaller. He had no words. It wasn't warm and loving likes Kibum's, but Minho's was warm enough.


The bruise on his cheek began turning color. The ice pack helped alleviate some of the pain and color, but it just remained throbbing. He took some pain killers but those just made him sleepy rather than help. Seeing the bruise in the mirror made him want to cry all over again. Jonghyun is like glass. Can be beautiful and delicate, sensitive. It can be cracked and scratched a bit; remaining in good condition. But if handled harshly, one wrong move can send it shattering into pieces. And it can't be fixed.

From sadness, it began boiling into anger. Nobody has the right to lay their hands on anyone in a foul manner. No matter if it's out of anger or violence. That should be that last resort. Why should he be any different?

Minho decided to ask Jonghyun if he'd like to stay over for as long as he'd like until everything was sorted out. He hoped he'd say yes. He didn't want Jonghyun to be hurt again. He didn't want Kibum to reveal one of the many colors he has. "I'll still about it."

"You're not going to answer him. You're not going to answer him." Jonghyun mumbled to himself as he saw the multiple messages and voicemails from Kibum.

From: My Everything 😘❤️
- Where are you?
- Jjong, I'm serious. Where are you?
- Why won't you answer my phone calls?
- Please answer me.
- Baby, please. I am so terribly sorry for my actions last night. I was so stressed and angry, that I lashed it out on you.
- You didn't deserve what I did to you. And I feel like shit for the pain I caused you.
- I don't blame you if you can't ever forgive me. I wouldn't either. But I'm very sorry.
- Please. At least let me know that you're alright?

Jonghyun said he wouldn't respond, but he can tell that Kibum is genuinely worried. So he began typing.

To: My Everything 😘❤️
- What a dumb question to ask. Am I alright?
- Do you not understand that you smacked me? My cheek is throbbing and is swollen. Why? Because you laid your hand on me.
- Thank you for your apology, but I need some space. I will be staying with Minho for a few days until I ready to speak to you. Please respect my decision. Thank you.


Part 1 of the plan is completed! He cheered to himself. Call Kibum, lead him to suspect Jonghyun was having an affair, have them be separated. Now onto part 2. "Oh, I can't wait to have you all to myself." He smiled as he snapped another photo.



Wow, this quite a long chapter! My brain was flowing and I had so much I wanted to add. 😋
This chapter was angsty and it took a while pondering on what to write next. I wonder what plan is he designing?? 🤨 Comment below what you think!

Do make sure to share and vote! Thank you.

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