Chapter 008: Three Months

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Three months came by and went. It's marks three months since Jonghyun's exam, working at his new job, and it also happened to be the second month of new relationship with Kibum. The change within that time became very beneficial for them all and each minute was spent wonderful. The stalking, or whatever it seemed to be suddenly stopped.

Minho, Jinki, Kibum, and Jonghyun still kept their guards up, still suspecting this person to come back at any time. Every note and pictures they kept for record, was stored in a box in Kibum's office.

As it was a new week, Kibum dropped Jonghyun off at school, giving him kiss before. "Have a good day in school, my love. Come by later when you have a chance."  Jonghyun nodded and walked off meeting up with Jinki. Jinki happily waved to Kibum, then the two began to walk away. Kibum waited till he saw both boys enter the main school building, and got back into his car.

"Take me to the office," he sternly ordered to his driver. Laying back, he smirked a odd expression, and laughed under his breath. What could he have been thinking to show such an expression?


"Jjong! I'd like for you to meet another good friend of mine," Jinki expressed happily, as he and the boy beside him held drinks and small sandwiches. The boy besides him, seemed similar to Jinki's height, having dirty blonde hair, contrasting to black, and having a plump yet slim face. He resembled to what Jonghyun thinks, a mushroom.

"Hello, my name is Lee Taemin," he introduced himself. Jonghyun returned the greeting, and gestured him to sit with them. Taemin seemed quite shy, but nonetheless got very used to the feeling. Plus he was a tad bit sassy, but adorable. Jonghyun and him exchanged phone numbers, and walked Taemin to class. He was in a year below them both.

"He's really cute," Jonghyun mentioned as he threw away the remains of his drink. Jinki looked up, and Jonghyun was quick to protest. "Not that I'm implying affection, or any feelings in that way," Jinki laughed at his troubled friend, and walked arm in arm with him to next class.


Jonghyun was ran and jumped straight into Kibum's arm, squeezing him tightly. Kibum found the action adorable and hugged his boyfriend back warmly. "Good news I assume?"

Jonghyun pulled away and quickly unzipped his bag, removing a paper from his folder, handing it to Kibum. "Remember that time I told you of my exam for the next class placement for the semester?" Kibum nodded, and rubbed his thumb on the skin of the smaller's cheek. "I got my scores back, and I-I passed!" Kibum raised his eyebrow, and happily broke in a smile. "Congratulations baby! Shall I treat you tonight?"

The entire ride to Kibums home, Jonghyun had a smile from ear to ear. After all that stress and worried that her fail, he ended up passing. He met the minimum requirement score.

Arriving at the house, Kibum got out his seat and opened Jonghyun's door. Kibum took this moment to steal a kiss from the other, immediately making it a heated make-out session. Jonghyun felt himself pushed against the hood of the car, his thighs gropped, and Kibum making his way down his neck.

A moaned passed his lips, keening at the sensation of feeling the others lips peck and suck on his skin. Soon enough, Kibum pulled away and could see some hickies forming on the others neck.

"Want to have a movie marathon and model some new styles for me?" Kibum smiled and caressed the others cheek. "Can we also c-cuddle? And eat tacos?" Jonghyun cutely asked, giving the undenying puppy eyes. Kibum couldn't say no,



Was having Kibum kiss you that way, turn you on? I could do the same. And I will, once I manage to get you in my arms. Watching over you for years and these three months, were painful yet beautiful. I learned so much more about you.

He felt his blood boil, but then relaxed when remembering his plan. He'll enjoy to see his scared face, his barrier trust drop, and he will have the goal to wipe away the tears. He watched Jonghyun, and the plan would soon fall in place.

Starting tonight.


I hope you enjoyed! Please comment your thoughts and don't forget to leave a vote! Thank you loves. ❤️

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