"Come in. Come in." The woman urged, wearing in a silky white dress ending up to her ankles. Brown doe short hair and striking dark eyes. With fair complexion. Taller and fit physique.

"I am Rose, by the way." She greeted and wrapped her hands on Rapunzel's shoulder. Matching every inch of their gaits as they walked closer inside.

Rapunzel cannot barely hear all Rose is saying, her voice, small and inaudible for her. Like an echo circling her eardrums, soft yet unclear. She neared and neared until she can fairly see the stairs and double doors of the mansion, shoving its lights at her.

She silenced. Diverting her focus as to what she sees. Her green eyes quivered at the sight.



She can now see two familiar silhouettes under the lights, talking to the man whose with her a while ago. They smiled and thank him before finally letting him in with the baggage on. They talked for a while until their gazes had ultimately landed unto hers.

A beautiful and elegant lady in her light blue dress with dark doll shoes on. Her perfect braided hair sits idly on her shoulder. She smiled... in a formal way. Beside her stood a lady in her long strawberry blonde hair tied in two pigtail braids, having bangs down her forehead. Wearing a yellow dress ending exactly in her knees. Her eyes lit in excitement. She smiled widely, failing to hide her joy.

Anna stood along with her sister, Elsa outside. Waiting for their beloved cousin, Rapunzel whom they haven't seen for quite a while. For almost twelve long years. Twelve long years.

"Oh, I can't believe this!" Anna squeaked. "We will be seeing her again and what makes it more excited is that..." She stopped and took a quick glimpse at her sister.

"Rapunzel will be staying here with us!"

Elsa giggled and nodded slowly, a smile painted in her lips.

"Yes. I am also quite delighted of her arrival." She answered. Elsa opened her mouth to say something further- "Oh. She's here."

Anna snapped. Her head moved and stilled in front. She smiled as if she had won something expensive.

Rapunzel didn't know what to do. Her eyes water in utmost emotions flowing within her. She stopped after every step once in a while, her posture in an awkward position. Her hands rubbing against each other in a cute gesture. Her golden hair flows together with the wind.

Elsa shifted but Anna got the courage to move faster, going through the stairs unto the cold hard ground. Anna neared and can completely see Rapunzel face to face.

"Oh God!" Anne hugged her petite form. "I missed you Rapunzel! You've grown!" She let go. "I-I mean, all of us. Look at us now!"

Rapunzel chuckled. Tucked strands of her hair in her ears.

"I know!" The blonde girl smiled. "I missed you too. You've become more beautiful." Rapunzel honestly praised, looking at her from head to toe. She smiled and gazed at Anna.

"Anna hadn't changed a bit."

Rapunzel glanced at Anna's back and saw Elsa gracefully walking her way towards them. Her pale complexion thrived against the moonlight.

"Welcome Rapunzel." She welcomed and gave her a tight and warm hug. Rapunzel could almost smell her minty and cool perfume, far more different compared to her sweet and fresh scent.

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя