"You're Not Worth It!"

Start from the beginning

Dante rolled over and stood however Jace pounced on him and tried his hardest to bite into Dante's neck, Dante retaliates by bucking him off, swinging round heading low and clamps down hard onto Jace's leg.  Jace jumps back a whine leaving his muzzle as Dante turned to him, they both stood there growling at each other there heckles rose and their tails poised in the air flicking every now and then. The two beasts stared into each other’s eyes ready to fight again and kill the other at any cost. Dante with blinding an unexpected speed charged forward tackling Jace to the floor biting at his neck and chest. Jace whimpered and yelped with each bite as he tried to push him off. Successfully, he got to his feet and he glared at Dante growling so fiercely it sounded like he was roaring. Jumping forward Jace bit into Dante's neck and forces him to the ground. Then he began to repeatedly claw at Dante's body with his claws. Dante laid there yelping in pain, he soon seems to lose the will to fight and changed back to his human form giving up. Knowing one day he will get Adelina. Jace let go and he too changed to his human form, looking down at Dante who lies there bleeding out from the multiple wounds he sustained Jace scoffs, "You’re not even worth my time you waster of space!" he spits out in disgust as he turned around and ran towards the tents changing back to into his wolf form as he does.

Running as fast as he could Jace prayed that he would make it in time to see his kids being born, sliding to a stop he shifted back to his wolf form before entering the tent where his beautiful mate lay in pain. His suspicions were confirmed as he moved over to the bed where his pale mate laid surrounded by concerned pack members who were rushing around as if it was rush hour in downtown Detroit. The shrill sound of a scream filled the air silencing everyone and pulling Jace out of his sudden day dream, stepping forward he watched as Nathan stood. A small bundle of blue blankets were cradled in the crook of his arms where a small chubby hand was fighting its way through, Jace watched in awe and admiration as Nathan gently delivered the baby boy into his arms where he belonged. Cooing at the baby Jace lifted his gaze and clashed it with Adelina, a silent bond of love passed between them oblivious to the second cry that was yet again filling the air louder than the first one. Jace full on smiled as he gazed down at Adelina happily before bending down and whispering in his son’s ear “Looks like you have a little sister.”

Stepping outside the tent which his two children Finn and Amelia laid sleeping peacefully with his gorgeous mate, he smiled at the excited crowd that was gathered outside the tent speaking in hushed whispers about the two new arrivals. Clearing his throat loudly Jace waiting till he gained everyone’s attention before speaking “I would like to thank Cade and his pack for directing me towards my mate, without your help I don t even think I would have been able to save Adelina or see my two beautiful children, so thank you Cade and pack,” he clapped his hands the sound echoing as the rest of Sinister Fur pack joined in sending there thanks for saving there Alpha Female. “I would also like to say that you are welcome on my land and my pack members who find there mates are welcome to leave the pack and join yours or are welcome to stay in my pack with their mates. We are no longer enemies but allies!” he shouted earning cheers from all the surrounding men who had fought for the sake of the pack, family, and friends and of course their well respected Alpha who had put his life on the line.

Gently placing Adelina down on the silk sheets of their bed Jace tucked her in so she was warm and placed a gentle kiss of her warm forehead. Breathing heavily he smiled whispering, “It’s alright my love he has gone for now I’ll never leave your side unless you wish it,” as he quietly left the room and shut the door behind him.  Nathan stood leaning against the adjacent door watching him “Irving has been asking for you Alpha and well the doctor has also checked the babies’ conditions,” he informed standing up straight before bowing his head and disappearing down the corridor. Jace smiled before running down the steps heading towards the infirmary where his best mate and Beta was being checked over. Just as he was about to enter Irving’s room he was stopped “Alpha Jace! Ahh, I was looking for you I guess Nathan gave you the message?” the hoarse voice questioned as Jace spun round to come face to face with Doctor Jonesie. “Yes you’re right Doctor I was on my way down to check on Irving when I got the message. Is everything okay with Finn and Amelia?” he replied worry seeping into his voice at the end. Jonesie let out a chuckle “Don’t worry Jace they are perfectly healthy and are sleeping at this moment” he answered to Jaces relief before he walked away entering a room further down the infirmary corridor.

Jace opened the door slightly poking his head in through the gap to notice Irving sat up in bed with his casted leg propped up on a pillow. Wrinkling his nose at the love novel Irving had in his hand, Jace stepped into the room shutting the door quietly behind him. Irving lifted his head meeting Jaces gaze as he put his book marked novel down. “I’m fine before you ask how I am. I only broke my bone in several places however I want to talk about you did it go planned Jace? Did you propose? Did she say yes?” he exclaimed like a five year old in a candy shop as he shrugged of the fact he had broken his leg painfully during the fight. Jace sat in the chair by his side a look of despair clearly shining on his face “It didn’t go planned. I was just about to pop the question when Nathan called me back,” he explained sadly as he thought back to earlier on. Irving frowned at the look on Jaces face “Dude don’t worry ill help you come up with another way to purpose to her, I promise. I’ll even look after the children for you while you two spend the day together,” he pointed out trying his hardest to cheer up Jace and help him anyway possible. “You’re right Irving. Thanks so much dude,” Jace said happy again thinking.

After spending another two hours with Irving going over plans and ideas of where Jace could take Adelina so he had a second chance to purpose to her, he tiredly walked up to the stairs heading to his bed room where his sweet mate lay sleeping. Quietly opening the door, Jace tiptoed in and headed towards the bathroom for a quick shower. Washing away the dirt and dried blood that had stubbornly stuck to his skin he checked his wounds half of the minor wounds had already healed and the deeper ones were half way done. Shaking his head Jace pulled on a pair of red checkered boxers and stood at the foot of the bed watching Adelina sleep. He took in the way her hair lay on the pillow surrounding her head like a halo, the way her luscious lips were parted slightly allowing her to breathe. Looking down Jace noticed the glint of something on her left hand, stepping closer her lifted her hand only then noticing the gold band that lay on her wedding finger. Smiling like a fool Jace knew there was now no need for the plans he and Irving made. She had answered his un-heard question with a simple yes and the wedding ring on her finger was the proof.


Important notice

Bitten Mate has finally been completed this is of course the last chapter and i hope i made it good. If you have any questions concerning the story or parts you do not understand please feel free to ask me and I’ll answer. Also this is not the last time you will be seeing Dante, Jace and Adelina they will be back in the sequel that i have still got to name, i do not know when it will be written up but i hoping ill have half of it done by September and up on wattpad by then. I will be going over this story editing it, making it longer and adding new bits of information here and there so please stay tuned for a new and improved Bitten Mate. A big thanks to everyone who reads, votes, comments and fans me. Comment who your fave character is throughout the book and why! <3 heather <3

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