Oliver froze, "I-I was hungry!"

"You're always hungry. Anyways thank you for bringing Ollie here Fuka Fuka Ass~"

Fukase rolled his eyes, "Whatever Queen Garbage- or should I say Queen Garbitch? Seems more appropriate."

Miku huffed, "Come on Oliver, we don't need to mess with that!"

Fukase ignored her, laying down on the grass, "We're going on a trip, in our favorite rocketship! Zooming through the sky~"


"Ok, she should be here any second?"

"Who?" Oliver tilted his head, he was getting a bit irritated as he now had to do more waiting.

"You know who!" Miku chuckled. "Your lost love!"

"My lost love?"

"Yes yes! Your love could be like from the past a hundred years ago and the only way they could come here to the present is to find a mysterious jewel!" Miku chirped.

Oliver eyed her, "That is a very precise description."

Miku shrugged, "Or your love could be like an experiment! You could be like a test subject since you know....your eye, anyways and that 'special' somebody could be your experimenter! Then you magically fall in love! Ah love could happen in many possible ways!" Miku gushed.

"What kind of stories do you read?"

"Well the best ones that is!" She plopped down onto the ground, "Where is she? She's supposed to be here!"  She lowly murmured, checking her phone that had the time.

"I'm s-sorry Miku-chan for coming here late! Rin-chan has s-something to show me so I had to go over to her h-house. Then I totally forgot to met you here...so I had to run here! You owe me big time making me run almost half a mile!" (Y/N) panted out.

Miku chuckled, "It doesn't matter! Now then I will leave."

"You just made me run here and now you're leaving?!"

Miku smirked, "Well don't put it like that! Say it like, 'I'm helping you!' Anyways I'll probably just walk around, I should probably carry a cart or something since I know loads of people are gonna hand me stuff! Anyways bai bai!" She walked off.

"She's just too much sometimes..." (Y/N)  mumbled, she then spotted a box that Oliver was holding, "What's that?"

Oliver glanced down, "It's chocolate!" He smiled cheerfully, "Do you want one?"

"Sure!" He opened the box letting her choose a random one. She picked up one that said 'You're the love of my life,' written in white frosting. She blushed a bit but noticed Oliver staring at her, anxiously awaiting for her to try his delicious new favorite snack.

She took a bit before letting out a satisfy sigh, "This I really good!" Oliver nodded in agreement, "It really is!"


2nd POV~

You and Oliver sat there enjoying the chocolate strawberries while watching the sunset, you wondered why Miku made you run all the way here and just left. Though you didn't mind, because you got to spend time with Oliver. "(Y/N)?" Oliver called you, you hummed in response.

"What is a Valentine?"

You totally forgot that today was Valentines day, wonder why there was so much couples making out around you, "It's like you can have a 'temporarily' date for one day...I think. Sorry I suck at explaining."

"Oh...so are you my Valentine?" Your eyes widened, you never thought about that. You and Oliver were literally on a date! Well Miku set you up and possibly Fukase but here you two are, eating chocolate strawberries watching the sunset. It definitely was a date. And you didn't even realize it until now.

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