He turned to me with an amused look in his eyes and a mock frown,"And Ms. Hart, I'd suggest you to take your lover's quarrels out of my class. I mean, I know this class is chemistry. But this is taking it too far."

Suffice to say I got a detention sheet too.

Fuck my life.


"Awwww come on! Don't be like that!" Andy whined but I kept on ignoring him and speed walked outside the room.

He jogged, almost ran, to keep up with me and I smirked internally.

So you see, Andy is a human. And being a werewolf— I am much faster than him.

"Hey! S-Stop!" He said, panting as he caught up with me. "Why are you even so angry at me?"

I stopped dead on my track, seething.

"What do you mean by why am I even mad? How can you expect me not be mad, huh? I have EVERY RIGHT to be mad at you!" I snapped at him. "You created a scene out there! What was the need to do that, huh? Do you realize how embarrassed I was? That note sounded so wrong. And not everybodt out there probably thinks I am some sort of sex-starved slut!"

I was breathing heavily by the time I finished and I looked up.

Andy's face had paled and he wore a hurt expression.

I already regretted what I said.

He hung his head low and mumbled,"I am sorry, Oli..."

My eyes softened and I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me.

"It's just that..." He started, kicking a stone on the way with his foot, his head still down, "you weren't acting like yourself today. And you looked so sad. I didn't...I didn't like seeing you like that. I-I am sorry for doing that. I just wanted to make you laugh. And...and I thought it was a good—"

I cut him off with a big hug as I wrapped my arms around his torso, burying my face in his chest.

"Shhhh," I said,"Don't say any more. Oli looooovess you!"

He stood frozen for a second before he unfroze and wrapped his arms around me too.

Chuckling he said,"I know Oli-Bear. Andy loves you too."

He kissed my head and closed my eyes, smiling.


Detentions can't be that bad right?

Well, that's what I thought while entering the room.

But then I saw The Blockhead sitting in the room too. At first my stomach burst into butterflies at the sight of him and I chastised myself for reacting to his presence so strongly.

But when I looked around I saw that he wasn't alone afterall.

His arm was wrapped this blondie who was basically sucking his neck off.

My heart stopped and the butterflies from before felt like they died a merciless death. The excitement from early turned into an a feeling of deep hurt when I saw him with her. My stomach dropped and deep pain filled in my chest. The wolf I was no longer able to feel suddenly howled in agony inside me and I felt numb.

For some reason I couldn't tear my eyes off them.

This morning I was cursing his wits off and hating on him. And now I am here, getting all hurt and envious for him. How hilarious, huh?

He must have noticed my presence because he lifted his head up and smirked.

I ignored him and decided to not about how fucking gorgeous that smirk was and looked away.

The last thing I want to do is make him feel like I am jealous.

Because I am not. I am just territorial.

He's my mate. I have the right to feel that way. But whatever. Screw it.

And how are the teachers letting them do this in class anyway?

Oh wait. There's no teacher in detention.

Yay, high school.

They were occupying the last row, so I decided to sit on the front row. Because, the farther the better.

Even though I hate sitting in the front. You feel like everyone at the back is staring at you and that creeps me out.

I was about to seat myself when the classroom door threw open and the great Andrew came in with a triumphant look on his face.

"GUESS WHO'S GONNA ACCOMPANY YOU, OLI-BEAR?" He said excited and hugged up.

Only he can be happy about getting detentions, I thought while laughing.

I too hugged him back, feeling almost happy for a moment before a loud growl was heard in the room and my saw The Blockhead give Andy a murderous glare from the corner of my eye.

Oh god. First minute of the detention and I managed to anger The Blockhead. God knows what all will happen in the next 59 minutes...


---1300 words---

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I hope you enjoyed!! ❤️❤️

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-love_yourself_10_x ❤️

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