All people shake their heads, except for Camila since she's daydreaming about Y/n. She was thinking about what her and Y/n are going to do next time they are together. Camila would love to watch movies with her again or go out to the beach. She decides that instead of sitting around and waiting, she's going to take action.

"Alright good." Simon says then looks over at Will, the girls manager. "Now time for the press dates." He says as Wills introduction to start.

Will stands up in his chair and buttons up his suit. "Well we start promoting the album on-" Camila tunes out of the conversation again so she can type Y/n a message.

Camila: hi. hang out soon?

It was simple, which was why Camila liked the message and chose to send it. The message took a few tries to compose until Camila finally sent it. She was lucky and caught Y/n right before the plane began it's decent into Miami so she got a text back right away.

Y/n: hi bb!!

Y/n: i actually am flying to miami right now to meet up with little mix

Camila frowns after reading the message but she notices that Y/n is still typing so she waits. Dinah notices Camilas attention on her lap so she looks over and reads the messages between her and Y/n. She shifts in her seat and pretends like she never saw it.

Y/n: you should ask if you can go home for a little while, i miss you

Y/ns message made Camilas heart flutter. She can't help the smile on her face which Dinah takes notice of. Dinah attempted to read Camila and Y/ns messages again as Camila was typing her response back but her friend typed too fast.


Camila locks her phone after sending her response just in time for Will to ask if the girls had questions, which is Camilas time to shine. "Can we go home for a few days before all of this starts? I miss my family." She says and frowns at the thought of her being away from her family for so long.

Ally leans across the table and takes one of Camilas hands in hers to show her that she supports her. Will notices this and since he has a sweet spot for the girls he agrees. "Three days, starting tomorrow." He says and Simon looks at him as if he's insane.

Camilas face lights up along with the other girls and they all thank Will before running out of the meeting room to pack. They all file into the elevator and begin praising Camila for her smart idea.

"Thank you so much for saying that Camila!" Normani says while hugging Camila. "I miss my family so much." She says while pulling away.

"Well we all get to see them soon." Camila says while looking over at Lauren who's ordering an Uber to drive them all home. "I can book our flight Laur." She says which causes Lauren to look up at her.

"Okay, thanks." Lauren says with a smile before confirming the Uber purchase.

Dinah looks at Camilas phone as a new message from Y/n shows up, she watches Camila read it. Normani watches Dinah and she elbows her in the side. "Nobody likes people like you." She tells Dinah since she was peeping at Camilas phone. Dinah clutches onto her side and Ally glares at Normani. "She deserves it." Normani tells Ally who just turns around and dismisses the subject.

"It was a one time thing!" Dinah defends herself while watching the elevator doors open on the first level.

"Mhm." Normani says while pushing Dinah out of the way so she can exit first.


The plane finally touches down in Miami after a long six hour flight from Los Angelas. Y/n had fallen asleep on the couch in the studio section of her private jet with her phone unlocked and showing the messages between her and Camila.

Madison saw those messages and she quickly showed Kendall. Her mind is beginning to get the best of her and she's thinking that Y/n is still in love with Camila and that the feelings are mutual between both girls.

"If they like each other I don't wanna be in the way." Madison says sadly while unbuckling her seatbelt as soon as the pilot told them it was safe to do so.

"Madison, listen to me!" Kendall says while staring the girl across from her directly in the eyes. "Y/n likes you, why would she go back to her ex who used her? She has like one of the most perfect human beings in the world wrapped around her finger, that's you if you couldn't tell. Yeah, okay they may be friends but you shouldn't let that intimidate you. Plus, Y/n knows better than to fall for a straight person again." Kendall finishes her speech which makes Madison feel a lot more confident.

"Thanks Ken." Madison says while getting up off of the couch. "I better go wake sleeping beauty up." She says while beginning her walk back into the studio room leaving Kendall all alone.

Kendall takes a peek at Madisons phone and sees nothing suspicious in her messages or photos. She smiles to herself since Y/n and Madison might be the ones for each other, and she supports that ship. Kendall puts Madisons phone back down before Madison returns with a tired looking Y/n.

"How'd you sleep?" Kendall asks Y/n who's currently resting all of her weight on Madison.

"Good." Y/n says while yawning and stretching out her arms then wrapping them back around her girlfriend. "I wanna sleep." She tells Madison who can't handle Y/ns cuteness.

Since Madison was staring at Y/n in awe and not saying anything, Kendall decided to speak up while she collects her stuff from around the jet. "We'll go right to the house." Kendall says since her mom let her use the house that she owns in Miami.

The three girls exit the plane after thanking the captain then they enter the car that Kendall had got  to pick them up. Before leaving, Kendall made sure that all of their bags were in the trunk, which they were.

Kendall sits in the passenger seat while Madison and Y/n sit in the back row. "How long?" Y/n asks Kendall while resting her head against Madisons shoulder.

"Twenty minutes." The driver answers for Kendall, who nods her head showing Y/n that he is right.

Madison takes off her seatbelt and adjusts herself so Y/n can easily rest her head against her chest. She strokes Y/ns hair as she begins to fall asleep on top of her. Madison can't think of anything else beside of how precious her girlfriend looks. She can't believe that Y/n is hers.

"Stop being cute." Kednall commands Madison which causes her to snap out of her daydream that happened while looking at her girlfriend.

Madison smiles without showing her teeth. "I'm falling for her, Ken." She admits while placing a soft kiss on the top of Y/ns head.

Kendall smiles and faces back to the front of the car. "I think she's falling for you too." She replies which causes Madisons heart to beat fast.


who else is alone for valentines day tomorrow :))



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