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edward: z

jawaad: harreh

edward: what's up

jawaad: wym

edward: i mean, what is up

jawaad: you idiot I know but I wanna know why you asking me this

edward: because. 

jawaad: you're weird

edward: it's my second first name

jawaad: figured

jawaad: but nothing much. why

edward: what's up with you and barbara 

jawaad: lol nothing is up with me and her

edward: liar liar pants on fire

jawaad: ok ok i've been to a couple of dates with her since that dinner night we had with her and Lauren

jawaad: and since I have an art exhibition next week I'll bring her as my date

jawaad: so yeah that's what's up

edward: I thought you like Lauren

jawaad: I did

edward: YOU DID?!

jawaad: okay okay I still do but I don't know man she seems uninterested in me

jawaad: like you know she said she can't like me back

jawaad: and you know I'm not good with how to win a girl like I'm shit at that you know that

jawaad: that's what happened with Bella

jawaad: and Barbara is so sweet man she's said she likes me and all

jawaad: plus Lauren hasn't been replying to all of my texts like she keeps saying she's busy and tired and sleepy

jawaad: she's running from me

edward: fuck

edward: what the fuck did I just get myself into

edward: what the fucking fuck 

edward: so you're thinking of dating Barbara? 

jawaad: idk man ill just wait and see how it goes

jawaad: I'll just have to move on from Lauren first

jawaad: it's not fair for Barbs and it's not fair for me if I date her but I still like Lauren

edward: whatever you feel like it z

edward: but I'm team zauren till the end

edward: oh btw I'm still invited right for your exhibition? 

edward: did you invite Lauren at least?

jawaad: do you even need an invitation you're like a family Harry

jawaad: yeah I did invite her but she doesn't reply

jawaad: maybe she's busy

edward: oh

edward: hey z

jawaad: yeah? 

edward: I'm #TeamZauren


who's Bella 👀

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