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Zayn: Hey

Zayn: Hi? 

Zayn: I know you're reading

Zayn: this is like a Deja Vu like the second day I texted you

Zayn: Lolo, why are you not replying

Lauren: I don't know what to say

Zayn: that's a first

Lauren: yeah

Zayn: so

Lauren: what

Zayn: yeah

Lauren: yea

Zayn: cme on Lolo let's not act like this

Lauren: wdym

Zayn: you're not you

Lauren: I'm still Lauren

Zayn: but not MY Lauren

Lauren: I've never been YOUR Lauren

Zayn: yes you were and you are

Lauren: sure whatever you say

Lauren: 😒😒

Zayn: why are you so mad

Zayn: why are you acting like this
Zayn: why did you leave the groupchat

Zayn: I mean imagine us against Harry.

Zayn: we'd bully him so bad

Zayn: zauren against harry

Lauren: idk wtf is zauren

Lauren: and I'm not acting different

Zayn: I don't wanna fight with you

Zayn: but I'm gonna give you some space

Zayn: maybe it's the time of the month 


Zayn: like ice cream? Chocolate? Pads? Tampon? Anything?

Lauren: yeah

Lauren: I need space

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