Thirty-Four - Real Life

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"Finn," Scout spoke up after they pulled away from each other. "Um, me and the others are having a sort of party back at my house? It's just gonna be some movies and pizza and I'm sure James and Sawyer have already invited everyone else over. You wanna come?" she asked, suddenly shy and nervous as she tapped her thumb against her thigh. Finn smiled and nodded.

"I'd really like that Scout,"


"So the others aren't here yet I guess," Scout commented as she led him up the stairs. "Um, I gotta change, hot lights and stuff. You can hang out in my room while I do, it'll just be a minute," she pointed to her door as she grabbed a bag and headed into the bathroom across the hall. Finn headed into her room and flicked on the light, looking around the place Scout spent most of her time. On one wall she had multiple pictures taped to the wall, almost covering half of the entire section. 

The first picture he noticed was one of Scout, Alec, and Savana all smiling brightly at the camera, Mickey Mouse ears on their heads and the Disney castle behind them. 

She had some music awards set on top of her book shelf and small little trinkets, as well as a small mermaid figurine with a crack going up the side - clearly someone had glued it back together. 

Another picture was her tiny self peeking over the edge of the boys cribs with wide eyes and a smile. Beside it was a picture of a still young Scout and the boys standing in front of a school, all smiling. 

"You looking at the pictures I've got? I have a bunch of them," Scout's voice filled the room. 

"Yeah," was all Finn could respond with, Scout smiled and walked further into the room. 

"This is from when I was first learning to surf," she said as she handed him a picture of her, a tiny little kid standing on the board. Her dad had his hands around her waist as he held her up and her arms were above her head.

"I like your haircut," Finn pointed out, looking up with an amused smile when Scout groaned. 

"Scissors were a magical time back then. My dad freaked out and put zip-ties on all of them until he realized none of the scissors worked. He ended up accidentally cutting himself when he tried to break the zip-tie with a paring knife,"

Loud voices started to come from downstairs and Scout laughed. "And that's them, c'mon," she took his hand and the two headed down the hall and down the stairs. 

The chatter filling the room abruptly stopped when the two landed at the end of the stairs, their hands still laced together. Alec and Savana looked between the two before both threw their hands in the air and screeched - which terrified the hell out of Scout's dog. 

"Our babies are holding hands!" Alec shouted as he draped himself across Troy.

"Is this how Savana and Scout reacted when we got together?" Troy asked with an amused smile, Savana and Scout both nodded seriously. 

"Hey, wheres Davey?" Sophia asked, trying to appear subtle and failing as Luna, Millie, Sadie, and Scout all gave her knowing looks. 

"He's getting the pizza with our dad," Sawyer explained.

"Oh my god!" Scout finally realized, pulling away from Finn and rushing to the others. "This is my first time seeing you in person!" she went through and hugged each other them. "This is so exciting! I'm sorry I'm so distracted,"

"You're good buddy. You did a great job tonight by the way!" Chosen complimented, Scout smiled brightly and bumped their shoulders together.

"Thanks so much, you have no idea how much that means to me."


Later that night, after everyone had eaten and done official introductions, everyone found their way to the living-room. Almost everyone was on a seat except for Sadie, Millie, and James. 

"You know, now I'm kinda glad our dad bought a giant couch," James commented, glancing behind him at everyone seated comfortably. Only for him to jump at a jump-scare from the movie they were watching. 

Scout leaned against Finn with his arm comfortably around her, the two of them at the end of the couch in the corner. Finn watched with a smile as Scout laughed at the others reactions to the more scary moments throughout the movie. After she softly giggled at the way Davey almost flung himself off the couch, she turned to Finn. Finn pressed a a gentle kiss to her forehead,

"What's that for?" she asked softly to not disturb the others.

"You're just pretty great," the character screamed and Finn glanced behind Scout before looking back at her face. "I know now may not be the most appropriate time, but do you maybe wanna try again? Like, maybe date or something?" Scout pressed a hand against his chest and leaned up to press a soft kiss to his lips. 

"I think now is the perfect time. Boyfriend and girlfriend?" 

Finn nodded "Boyfriend and girlfriend," he paused again and pulled her closer to him. "You know, you're pretty cool Scout," he whispered to her, a smile on his face. Scout smiled back brightly and kissed him once more. 

"So are you Finn,"

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