Nine - Vlog

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"Hey guys! So I'm back home, and surprisingly not dead," Scout began, laughing at something someone in the car with her said. "And I recently took a vote and asked what you guys wanted to see from me, and the number one most voted for thing was a daily vlog," she laughed a bit and held her phone out in front of her. You could see Alec in the back making faces.

"I'm still confused about that, who'd want to see your daily life? It's about as boring as drying paint," Alec commented, Scout gasped and reached in the back to try and hit him.

"Hey! No fighting in the car or I turn around!" Savana cut in, clearly the authoritarian between the three.

"Sorry Sav,"

"Yeah, sorry," both friends pouted before Scout jumped back in to speaking.

"So anyways, I'm here with Savana," she turned the camera towards Savana, who was driving. "And Alec," she switched the camera over to Alec who was sitting in the backseat. "So today is one of the warmer days here in San Diego, and the air is surprisingly clean at the moment, so we decided to do something. I've been gone for a while and my best buds have been missing me, I've been missing them a lot too," both Savana and Alec made loud, exaggerated 'aww'ing sounds while Scout rolled her eyes. "Anyways! We decided to just go to some fun places we usually hang out. All three of us have been pretty busy recently, so this is the first time we've gotten to hang out in a while. So the next time you see us, we'll probably be there," Scout shrugged and it had a quick jump cut.

"So Scoot, care to tell your adoring fans where we stopped first?" Alec questioned, pointing the camera towards the blonde. Savana stood beside Scout with their arm draped casually around the short girls shoulders. Scout made a whining noise.

"I don't wanna say because so many people have already commented about how unhealthy I am," Scout pouted and Alec could be heard groaning loudly from behind the camera.

"Fuck em babe, now tell everyone where we are,"

"Ugh fine, we're at The Baked Bear," Scout gestured to the building. "We're out here living our best lives and I want an ice cream sandwich,"

The three headed inside and the next jump cut showed them all sat down at a table in the corner with their ice cream. The camera was now propped up on the table and pointed at all three.

"So Sav, tell everyone what you got," Scout began, smiling at Savana who groaned a bit.

"Don't shame me,"

"You're getting shamed pal," Alec chuckled.

"Fine! I just a chocolate chip cookie with chocolate chip ice cream. I like chocolate chip!" Savana defended them self, gesturing slightly wildly with their ice cream sandwich.

"We all accept you Sav, it's fine,"

"Thank you Scout, for being the only angel in this friend group," Sav spoke back, faking seriousness as Alec gasped in mock offense.

There was another jump cut before a quick clip of the rode as they drove and the view of the ocean while they drove down the highway, before jumping to a another video of the three.

"So, our plan for today was to go surfing. Now, the only one of us that's good at surfing is Sav, Alec and I are just okay. We are gonna chill out for a bit and just walk around before heading out. Now some of you have seen my surfing skills from the video I put out in June, and you can tell that I suck. This is a little different though, because we're gonna get out there and be cold and upset and regret everything," Scout giggled and Alec and Savana could both be seen laughing in the background. "But anyways! The next time you see me, we will be at the beach I guess!" the video had another jump cut before showing the three all dressed in full body wet suits. "Okay! Alec is getting our boards and then we'll head out. I've actually got a waterproof go-pro so I can film us out there a bit, which might be fun,"

The video switched to a slightly lower quality one as Scout set it up at the end of her board. The three headed out and paddled their ways out further to the higher waves.

"FUCK!" Alec shouted, already shivering heavily. "It's not even that bad, but damn I'm so cold!" Alec continued to yell, passing by Scout who was slowed down due to her laughter.

"You gotta power through the pain my man," Savana shouted, going slightly slowly beside Scout. "Oh! There's a wave coming up!" all three stood and both Alec and Savana went off camera, probably in a different area of the wave.

For the next minute or so, there was a fun montage with music in the background, showing the three surfing. There had been a few moments where one of the three would sit out and film the other two as they took some waves.

"Alright!" Scout shouted, finally holding the camera out in front of her after a bit of surfing. "I think we're gonna call this a day and head back to my place-" her voice was cut off by Savana and Alec who ran up and started rubbing her head aggressively with their towels. "Jesus!" she shouted, laughing and trying to pull away, the camera shaking heavily.

"We're drying our drowned rat baby!" Savana screeched, smiling brightly over at Scout.

"Thanks guys," Scout laughed and set the camera down, propped so you could still see the three. They all dried off their hair and returned the boards before there was another jump cut and they were back in the car. "So this was a lot of fun. I literally wasn't gonna do anything today, but you all wanted to see a vlog, so I decided to try," Scout shrugged.

"Oh now I see why you invited us out, you wanted us for views," Alec shouted from the backseat, reaching forward.

"Are you wearing your seat belt!" Savana shouted, turning for a second to glance at Alec.

"Yes! I'm not dumb," Alec rolled his eyes.


The final jump cut switched to the three all sitting on the floor in Scout's room, her dog flopped on the ground beside them.

"Thanks everyone for watching and requesting this I guess. I had a lot of fun today. If you guys really loved this, I'll consider making another one, because I'm literally always with these two and being a demon," Scout shrugged and smiled. "In all seriousness, I love these guys a lot and have missed them a whole fricken lot," Savana pressed a hand to their heart and made an obnoxious happy face while Alec shoved his face back, making a triple chin. "We're gonna make some popcorn and probably spend the whole night watching buzzfeed unsolved. Bye!"

With that, the video ended, showing Scout's usual outro.

So this was very poorly written, and I know nothing about surfing and vlogging and stuff. I have been to San Diego before for a few weeks and lived with some people born and raised. The personalities of Alec, Savana, and Scout are all heavily based off of those people I met, because they're angels and I miss them very much. Anyways! Sorry that this is so weird, it's literally an entire vlog written out like a weirdo. We will go back to like texting and instagram and stuff and yeahhhhh. Okay, thanks for reading, it means the world. Thanks!


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