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Top five reasons Scout Lee is one of the best people in media right now

1. Scout basically became her brothers only mother figure after their mom left

Although the siblings rarely speak about it, it is known among their friends that their mother clocked out when Scout was younger. The boys have stated that they have no recollection of their mother and would like to keep it that way. Scout has written a song titled "Brothers" that is basically a brief synopsis of her relationship with her two younger brothers. Although they are only around a year in a half younger, Scout took on a lot of responsibility to make sure they had a loving and caring upbringing. Their relationship greatly benefited from it, causing the trio to now have an unbreakable bond with each other.

2. She strongly and loudly advocates for LGBT  and homeless rights

Even before Scout first made her mark on the internet, she has fought for LGBT rights, alongside her father and brothers. She recently confided in an interview that around a third of her proceeds from her music or videos goes to foundations that help LGBT people. "I've got enough money, next to my music, I have an actual day to day job that is going to help me get to college. Homeless youth and other people don't get that opportunity. It would be selfish of me to live as comfortably as I have, without doing anything for the people I need. I live in California, which is a state with one of the biggest homeless population, so I see this everywhere I go, I want to help in any way I can," was her comment on the situation when asked about it.

3. Her friendship with Alec and Savana is goals

Alec Tylers and Savana Williams have been the two best friends of Scout Lee for four years now, the three having had met when they were younger. Both Alec and Scout have greatly supported Savana when they came out as gender-queer, and have defended them both online and in person. On another note, Scout and Alec sound amazing when they sing together, their voices match together perfectly and we hope to get more duets from the duo in the future.

4. Her voice and writing is beautiful

I'm gonna speak to you honestly here, the first time I heard her newest song 'Green', I was in tears. Scouts way with words is amazing, she is an extremely talented writer. Whether it be singing covers, singing her own music, or literally just singing random gibberish during a live stream (link attached) her voice is that of an angels. We really hope she can continue to grow and create more music.

5. She is a genuinely wholesome and sweet person

Scout is one of the few teens of today that doesn't let her fame get to her head. She still acts shy and surprised when people notice her, even with her large following of 899,846 subscribers on YouTube. Scout has proved again and again that she fully deserves her fame, throughout everything she does for the people around her, and how she honestly speaks. We hope we can continue to watch this young woman form into an adult that may one day change the world.

So there we go! I thought this would be a neat way for you guys to get to know Scout and her family situation a little better. I know that this is most certainly not how real official journalists write, but I'm not a real or official journalist, I'm a sad fifteen year old with no life, so there ya go. Anyways, thanks for reading and all that jazz.


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