Twenty-Five - Date

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"So Finn, where are we headed first?" Scout asked with a smile as the two headed downstairs to the living room.

"Well first, I actually have a gift for you,"


"It was that thing I mentioned a while back. I never ended up sending it to you, decided to wait until you were here," he explained as he grabbed a plane plastic bag and handed it to her. Scout raised an eyebrow as she grabbed the bag before smiling and excitedly opening it and reaching her hand it.

"Finn!" she exclaimed as she pulled it out. In her hand she held a yellow sweater with the words 'Happy When It Rains' written across in black block lettering. She held it out in front of her and smiled brightly. "I love it so much! Thank you," she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek without even thinking. "I'm gonna go put this on, I wanna wear it out," she explained as she rushed to the bathroom with the sweater in hand. Finn stood still with a rosy blush on his cheeks as Nick took a picture with an amused grin.

By the time Scout came back Finn had finally shaken the shock of her kissing his cheek away. Now he was just amazed by how she looked gorgeous all the time. Her blonde hair fluffed and curled around her face as usual, and her blue eyes sparkled with excitement and easily showing happiness. She was wearing black torn jeans and her yellow high tops (her favorite color was yellow) with black fishnets underneath.

"You guys ready?" Nick asked, having agreed to be their chaperone for the night, Scout and Finn both turned to him.

"Yeah!" she agreed as she slid on her jean jacket and headed outside with them.

Most of the night was full of Scout looking at everything with an amazed expression and Finn looking at Scout with an amazed expression.

They walked around two different art gallery's and Scout had developed the habit of grabbing Finn's hand and dragging him towards different art pieces. Finn didn't mind, he would probably follow Scout anywhere.

After looking through the entire gallery the two stood outside the building and just looked at the windows, which seemed like a masterpiece in of itself. Scout called it beautiful and Finn agreed, but after he looked over at her and saw the way the sun was setting behind her, the windows looked dull. They stood in silence until Finn felt Scouts smaller hand slip into his, lacing their fingers together. Neither of them said anything, just gripped each others hands as they started to walk down the sidewalk.

"This has been amazing Finn," Scout finally spoke up as they walked along the sidewalk by the waters edge. "Like, one of the best nights of my life," she leaned her head on his shoulder for a minute before pulling away. "Can we watch the water for a bit?"

"Of course,"

The two sat down on the edge of the sidewalk, their feet hanging off the edge and their arms resting on the railing separating them from the waters edge. Scout took a deep breath and closed her eyes, smiling as she just listened to the gentle waves and splashes.

"Sound like home?" Finn asked, looking over at her.

"Yeah. Our first house was beach front, we could just walk out and be there. Then in 2009 we had an earth quake that pretty much ruined our house. It was already old and the quake was enough to damage it beyond what we could pay to repair. My dad decided to move us further away from the coast after that and now it's a fifteen minute drive to get there. That's not much, but definitely not what I grew up with. Sometimes I miss it, miss waking up and being able to hear the ocean if I was quiet enough. I used to wake up and sit on my window ledge and just watch the ocean for hours if I could. James and Sawyer would have to wear those baby leashes so they wouldn't run off into the water. They are just as in love with it as I am though. My dad used to joke that I was actually mermaid," she smiled at the memory and laughed softly. "I thought maybe if I believed enough, one day I would become a mermaid and could run away and live in my happy place," she sighed a bit. "My mother told me that was stupid though and I finally just agreed. I had been so mad that day and I threw out all of my mermaid stuff, blankets, toys, coloring books, everything. My dad was so upset, he had salvaged what he could and bought the rest again before kicking my mom out for the night,"

"Did that happen a lot?"

"Him kicking her out? Yeah, all the time. He kept making her leave only to agree to let her back in a few days later. He was convinced that I wouldn't survive without a mother figure in my life. Finally when I was five, she hit me and that was the last straw. He shoved all her stuff in a suitcase and threw her out. Even changed the locks that day and told me to never open the door for her. He didn't have to tell me twice,"

"I'm sorry,"

"It's alright. I've lived ten years without her, I don't need her. The boys don't even remember her. Whenever she comes around, I make sure they aren't around to see her. Sometimes she stops by to try and convince me to give her money or convince my dad to take her back. Never works, she's a horrible liar and a drunk," she laughed bitterly. "The boys are too good, too good for someone like her," she sighed and stretched a bit. "Enough about my tragic life story. Tell me something about you Finn, something I don't already know,"

"I think you already know everything about me Scout, we've talked a lot over the past few months,"

"Aw c'mon, there has to be at least something I don't already know,"

"Nope, I'm an open book for you,"

"For me?"

"Yep, just for you," Finn wiggled his eyebrows over at her and she snorted out a laugh before gently shoving him.

"Fine, well, if you could have any job that wasn't acting, what would it be?"

"Oh clever. Hm, I don't know, I guess I'd just keep going with my music and stuff. I'd like to think I'm a good singer and guitarist, so probably just music,"

"Makes sense,"

"And you? If music wasn't your passion, who would you be?"

"I'd probably be a starving artist that isn't starving. I love drawing and painting. Maybe a photographer, I'd probably run a business with Sav or something," she shrugged. "I've never really thought about life outside of this,"


"The bubble I've made. Family, friends, music. That's all it's ever been for me,"

"It doesn't have to be that way,"

"Oh really? And who would come around to pop that bubble?"

"A knight in shining armor?"

"I don't need a knight in shining armor, I'm perfectly capable of popping the bubble all by myself,"

"And will you?" his question was followed by silence as Scout just sat and considered his question.

"What would my life be like if I don't have my bubble?" she finally answered with a question of her own.

"Something amazing I think. Some place that matches you, someone that understands you, a life that you deserve,"

"And what life do I deserve?"

"The best of lives,"

Silence followed his answer as Scout just looked at him with an expression he couldn't quiet place. It wasn't bad, just something he didn't recognize.

"Scout, can I-" he began, only for her familiar ringtone to cut him off. Scout hung her head and groaned.

"Shit, I'm sorry,"

"It's fine," he laughed a bit. "Answer it and then we can keep talking or whatever you wanna do,"

Scout nodded and pulled out her phone, pressing answer and holding the phone to her ear. Finn couldn't hear much, just quick speaking. He watched with concern as Scout's eyes widened and she quickly stood, panic written all over her face. Once she hung up, she began to dial another number.

"Scout, what's happening?" Finn asked getting up to stand beside her as he realized she was calling Nick.

"It's Sawyer," she rushed out. "He's been attacked,"

Scouts Honor - a Finn Wolfhard ficWhere stories live. Discover now