Twenty-Three - Texting

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Thing One
So how has Vancouver been?

cat in the hat
The best. I finished up the video and got to hang out for a while. Finn and I are gonna head out and hang around town for a while tonight.

Thing One
When are you coming home? I forgot

cat in the hat
In like three days? I made my trip longer so I could hang out with Finn and his family for a bit

Thing One
What a love struck dork

cat in the hat
I'm not love struck!

Thing One
You're totally love struck

cat in the hat
Ugh whatever. By the way, I never got to ask how you got that bruise on your arm

Thing One
Oh, just some assholes from school. Nothing I'm not used to

cat in the hat

Thing One
Scout it's fine, just focus on your trip. Have fun

cat in the hat
When I get home I'm going to destroy their presences online

Thing One
That's a new threat

cat in the hat
Dad says I'm now allowed to threaten bodily harm anymore

Thing One

cat in the hat
Please stay safe, I'll be home soon and I'll make sure those guys don't bug you anymore. If you need anything go to Alec or Sav or James, you know those three would do anything for you

Thing One
Y'all make me feel so loved ❤️❤️❤️

cat in the hat
Quit being a dork. I gotta go now. Talk to you tomorrow

Thing One
Talk to you tomorrow

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