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scout.jean.lee lmao look at these pictures I found of you

lee lmao look at these pictures I found of you

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finnwolfhardofficial you know, sometimes its really rough being famous

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finnwolfhardofficial you know, sometimes its really rough being famous

finnwolfhardofficial also this is making me reconsider following you

scout.jean.lee Understandable

finnwolfhardofficial In all seriousness though, where did you even get those

scout.jean.lee idk man I just find them

scout.jean.lee I make weird faces in my videos so there's a bunch of weird pics of me floating around the internet

scout.jean.lee my fave is the second one because that's a big fat mood

scout.jean.lee not actually though all for memes I promise

scout.jean.lee oh jeez I'm being annoying aren't I?

finnwolfhardofficial Far from it actually, talking to you has been the most interesting thing to happen so far this week

scout.jean.lee aw thanks, my most interesting moment has by far been evacuating my house because my entire state it on fire

finnwolfhardofficial where do you live?

scout.jean.lee moving fast are we?

scout.jean.lee I'm just kidding, I live in San Diego. I've lived in California my entire life but we just recently moved to our current house

finnwolfhardofficial Cool, I live in Vancouver but spend a lot of time in LA too, I feel like California is a second home sometimes

scout.jean.lee Sounds fancy

finnwolfhardofficial Wait

scout.jean.lee Yes?

finnwolfhardofficial Have you ever seen snow? Sorry if that's a dumb question

scout.jean.lee I mean, I've seen it before, but never actually experienced large amounts before. Teeny tiny dustings have come around before, but never as much as other states have. It's 70 degrees there right now so that's how our December has been going. I think the only real snow we had was 44 years ago

finnwolfhardofficial wild, I can't even imagine not suffering every winter

scout.jean.lee well we suffer because that's usually fire sadness time, sometimes ground shaking time too

finnwolfhardofficial That's even more wild

scout.jean.lee right, I'm not even surprised by it anymore though, it happens all the time at this point

finnwolfhardofficial you know, you're pretty cool Scout

scout.jean.lee So are you Finn

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