Twenty-Nine - Phone Call

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Missed call from Finn 9:30

Play voicemail?

yes / no

"Hey Scout. I was just calling to see if you're alright. I saw your instagram post and I'm really glad Sawyer is going to be okay. I'm so sorry all of this has happened and if there's anything I can do, please let me know. I sent your stuff last night and it should get to your place by tomorrow. Sorry it took so long. I want you to know that none of this was your fault, this was all some assholes who are too bigoted to see that other people around them have feelings. This wasn't you, just bad timing. Please call me back soon. Alright, bye,"

Call Finn?

yes / no


"Hey Finn,"

"Scout! Hey! How are you doing? Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. Listen, we need to talk,"

"Alright, what's up?"

"Finn, last week was a mistake, I should have never flown out like that. I had so much fun and I loved being with you, more than anything, but I shouldn't have. I'm not the type of person who can just up and leave like that, I have people who need me back in San Diego! What happened with Sawyer could have been prevented, but I was gone and didn't prevent it,"

"They're old enough to take care of themselves Scout,"

"But they shouldn't have to!"


"They shouldn't have to take care of themselves. They should be allowed to rely on someone else and not just be alone in this world! They should get the chance to fuck up and have someone help them! Have someone hug them and tell them it's okay! They shouldn't have to be alone like I was! I'm not gonna let what happened to me, happen to them! I was alone for eight years Finn! I can't let them be alone like I was. They deserve the chance to be normal, stupid kids, without having to rely on themselves. And themselves alone. I really loved being with you, but I need to be able to be a bus ride away, I need to be a phone calls distance from them, I can't be over a thousand miles out of reach. If they hadn't had gotten to him any sooner Sawyer would have blacked out and they wouldn't have found him in that locker. If I had been there I could have stopped it. I can't let them get hurt again,"

"Scout, you can't keep forcing yourself to take the blame! Your dad is around now and the boys have him! You can take these risks,"

"Finn, please don't make this any harder than it already is,"

"Why is this so hard for you?"

"It just is okay!"

"You can't just dodge the answer Scout! Why is this so hard for you? Why is it so hard to establish these boundaries or whatever the hell you're on about,"


"No! Tell me why we can quote-un-quote do this anymore?"

"Because I think I'm in love with you,"


"I can't put anybody else before my brothers, I can't love someone so far away from me,"

"What do you mean you love me?"

"Finn, I have to go. I'll talk to you later,"

"Scout wait!"

"Goodbye Finn,"


Call Scout back?

yes / no

Hey it's Scout! Leave a message!

Call Scout back?

yes / no

"God dammit it Scout answer the phone!"

Hey it's Scout! Leave a message!

Call Scout back?

yes / no

"Scout please,"

We're sorry, the number you are trying to contact is no longer in use

Call Scout back?

yes / no

At this point in the book, 'Scout' Doesn't even look like a real word to me and now I'm having a crisis because it just looks WRONG. Anyways, here's some sort of angst and now idk where to take this since I've officially used up all pre written chapters. Wish me luck! Thanks!


Scouts Honor - a Finn Wolfhard ficWhere stories live. Discover now