Twenty-Two - Arrival/Texting

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Scout sat alone on the plane, her leg bouncing nervously as they flew through the air. She would be staying with another friend throughout her time in Vancouver, but Finn and Nick were picking her up from the airport so she could hang out with Finn for a while. Due to this, she had dressed a little nicer than her usual travelling outfit. She wore a yellow sweater with small red writing and a pair of blue ripped jeans. She also had her Sherpa lined jean jacket because of the temperature difference.

She had her headphones in as she read through the last few texts between her and Finn before she boarded the plane.

lovely lady
I'm finally at my gate, just waiting for them to start boarding now. Very excited!

fancy fella
I'm so excited you have no idea I barely slept last night

lovely lady
You better not fall asleep while I'm around you, I expect you to be the most fantastic of hosts

fancy fella
Anything for you you dork

lovely lady
I'll have you know that I got a early flight, just so we could hang out more. That's love my guy

fancy fella
You make my heart burst Scout. You didn't have to do that though

lovely lady
Nah, I wanted to. I want as much time with you as I can get

lovely lady
Ahhhh my flight is boarding!

lovely lady
I got the window seat!!! This is the best day of my life

fancy fella
You're such a loser, the smallest things make you excited

lovely lady
You gotta cherish the teeny things Finn

lovely lady
We're taking off! I'll text you as soon as we land

fancy fella
Alright, be safe and I'll see you soon

lovely lady

fancy fella

The smile stayed softly on her face as she just thought of what it would be like to finally see Finn in person.

"Going to meet someone special?" the older woman beside Scout asked after she had removed her headphones. Scout turned to the woman and turned off her phone.


"You keep looking at your phone and smiling. You've also been bouncing your leg the whole time. You meeting someone important?" the woman specified.

"Oh!" Scout blushed a bit and made an effort to stop her bouncing leg. "Yeah, a really close friend of mine. He's picking me up from the airport,"

"Oh that's lovely, I'm sure he's a fantastic young man,"

Scout smiled even brighter and nodded. "Hes pretty great," she rested her elbow on the arm rest and turned more towards the woman. "You headed to meet someone?" the woman smiled sadly and shook her head.


"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"It's quiet alright, their life was full and happy. They actually lived a fantastic life,"

"That's good. At least they got a full life,"

The two spoke for a little more until the plane began to land. Scout's heartbeat sped up even more as they touched down and the seat belt light went off. She was so close to him, she would literally be with him so soon.

"I wish you the best of luck sweetie. I'm sure it's going to go amazingly," the woman gently rested her hand on Scouts and smiled before walking into the aisle and walking out. Scout smiled too and stepped out after most of the others were gone.

She had her small backpack on her shoulders and her jacket on as she walked towards the exit gate. She had texted Finn that she was here and he just replied with a bunch of exclamation marks. She had told him her gate so she knew he was there, waiting for her.

Getting onto the escalator, she tapped her thumb against her thigh lightly as they descended.


Finn stood a little beside Nick, his heart pounding around in his chest as he received the text from Scout saying she was there.

"You alright?" Nick asked, looking a little concerned as Finn wiggled around a bit, trying to distract himself from the crushing fear of Scout hating him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good," Finn assured as he glanced down at his phone. Seeing no text, he raised his head again and saw someone coming down the escalator. First he saw a pair of yellow high-tops before seeing ripped blue jeans. He knew very few people who wore yellow high-tops. Nick must have noticed Finn stiffen slightly, because he gently laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be creepy dude," he spoke before taking a step back and pulling out his phone, deciding to film this.

Finally, finally, Scout's face came into view and Finn felt the breath being almost punched out of him. She was so beautiful, her blonde hair was pulled into a bun and she honestly looked like she was glowing. He saw her scanning the area before her eyes finally met Finn's. He could see her gasp and smile brightly at him. He took a step towards her just as she finally got off the escalator.

It was so cheesy and dumb, but time slowed down for the two as they got closer and closer to each other. Both were rushing, Scout didn't have to worry about dragging her suitcase so she booked it, silently cursing all the people in her way. Finn ran too, knowing that Nick was loosely following behind him to make sure he didn't get lost.

Their bodies hit each other and Finn was quick to wrap his arms around her as he felt her arms wrap around him. They held each other tightly and Finn could hear Scout sniffling and laughing softly as they swayed around. The airport around them disappeared as they just held each other and laughed and smiled.

"Jesus," Scout finally began, looking up at him. She was shorter than him and had to tilt her head up so their eyes could meet.

"What?" he asked with an amused chuckle.

"You're a lot taller than I thought you'd be,"

Just a quick note, they do change each others contact names pretty regularly. I got that from something my friend and I do, our names are never the same for more than a month in our contacts, and I wanted to put that with them. Also enjoy the happy cutesy stuff while it lasts y'all. Thanks!


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