Three - Real Life

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Sawyer softly kicked his big sister in the ribs, letting out a huff when she completely ignored him. "You gotta get off the floor," he tried, looking down at the fluff of blond hair covering her entire face like a curtain.

"No, the floor is my friend and I intend to stay here forever," she shot back, not even moving an inch. The floor laying wasn't the worst of it, she had literally been yelling incoherently while she laid on the floor, severely scaring their dog.

"I don't think dad would like that next time he tries to vacuum, you're in the way of a lot," he tried to reason, silently celebrating when he noticed she began to slowly sit up.

"I'm just in shock,"

"What? Shocked that your obnoxious twitter bullying got you somewhere?"

"Okay, first off, it wasn't bullying. Second off, yes," she shrugged and brought her knees up to her chest, leaning on the wall. After her final reply to Finn, she had stomped downstairs and burst into Sawyers room before throwing herself to the ground. Her way of coping with emotions was fairly weird. Her phone dinged from it's spot a few inches from where Sawyer stood, and he glanced down at it.

"You got a new follower," he commented before Scout flung herself at the phone and read the notification.

@FinnSkata has followed you!

"What the frick," she softly whispered, swiping across her screen and seeing that THE Finn Wolfhard had indeed just followed her twitter. "Oh my god," she looked up and over at Sawyer. "Did he follow you too?" Sawyer looked down at his phone and checked his notifications before shaking his head.


"Oh my god," was whispered once more before she slowly fell back to the ground and stretched out. Sawyer could see a hint of a smile on his sisters face and couldn't help but smile a little as well. Ever since her music had been picking up more, she'd gotten more confident to be herself everywhere. He was really glad it was paying off.

"Well, you have fun on the ground, I've got homework," he shrugged before finding his way back to his bed, pulling his laptop back onto his lap and doing some forgotten schoolwork. Half an hour later, he noticed that her breathing had evened out and she was out cold. With a shake of his head, Sawyer grabbed a spare blanket and threw it on his sister, much like she used to do when they were children. She was only a year older than the twins, but still felt like she should be older and more mature for them. After their mom left, she had taken up a lot of responsibility to take care of her brothers while their dad picked up more jobs. They were lucky to have been talented enough to all three get out there and start doing more things to bring in money. Scouts music, James' modeling, and Sawyers bassist skills has helped them phenomenally. Their dad, Peter, had raised them to be the best they could be, and that's what they were.

"Kids! Dinner!" their dad called. Sawyer stood and ripped the blanket off of Scout and gently kicked her. Yeah, he loved her a lot, but she was also his big sister and he had a sort of reputation to uphold.

We're learning more about Scout! Also her and Finn interacted more! I just kind of wanted to get some irl writing in so you guys could try and understand how the Lee household works. James and Sawyer are fraternal twins, born when Scout was a year in a half. They get along fairly well due to the situations they'd been through in early childhood. Scout is kind of based off of my big sister, who did a lot to raise me when our parents couldn't. Anyways, thanks for reading, I'll try and update both this and Moonshine more than I have been.


~ Anna

Scouts Honor - a Finn Wolfhard ficWhere stories live. Discover now