Twenty-Seven - Real Life

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Scout ran. She was not the type of person to willingly run. She ran, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she sprinted through the hall of the airport so she could catch the plane. She rushed through security and had to explain her situation to a security guard before he let her go. She was the last to enter the plane and was seated in the only empty seat towards the back. Once she sat she just closed her eyes and tried to force back the sobs that wanted to escape her throat. The three and a half hours were the worst and she felt like she couldn't breathe the entire time. She texted Finn once they landed, a simple text saying she was there. The second they began to allow everyone out, she threw out politeness and shoved past everyone as she rushed outside and to the cabs lined up. She threw a fifty at the driver once he arrived outside the hospital and ignored his question about change as she ran into her fathers open arms. 

"Baby," he whispered as Scout finally let out a pained sob, just sinking into his arms. "Sweetie, it's okay, it's all going to be okay," he whispered as he ran a hand through her hair. "C'mon, let's go see him," 

The two walked inside and got Scout her badge before heading to the elevator. Scout's heart was hammering away in her chest as she tapped her thumb against her thigh. She just stayed silent while they walked down the hallway to his room. She wanted to run to him and just hold him and fix everything. She wanted to still believe that kisses healed cuts and bruises, she wanted to believe that she had been there for him and this was all a horrible nightmare. 

Entering the room, she saw James passed out on a chair in the corner and Sawyer asleep on the bed. He had an IV in his arm, a butterfly band-aid across a cut on his forehead, bruising all over his arms and face, a split lip, and wrapping around his left wrist. Scout forced back the gasp as she looked at him. Her brother, her little brother that she was supposed to protect and care for, was laying there bruised and cut. 

She barely managed out a soft "Who did this," as she stared at him, her vision blurring from her tears. 

"Some boys from his school. They watched the security camera and noticed that they've been pushing him around a lot. I guess today they lost it. Four of them jumped him and shoved him a locker after some pretty heavy beating," James' voice cut in, having woken up. 

"I should have known," Scout choked out, both Peter and James turned to Scout with a confused look. "He mentioned it to me, told me that he was getting roughed up sometimes. He asked me about self defense and started walking home with Alec. They've been commenting on my instagram posts about him. I should have known, should have noticed it sooner," Peter quickly wrapped and arm around Scout's shoulder. 

"Sweetie, this wasn't you," he began, trying to convince his daughter that she wasn't responsible for the attack.

"I shouldn't have left," she choked out, shaking her head and pulling away from her dad. Peter sighed softly and watched as Scout took a seat in the chair beside the bed and gently grabbed Sawyer's hand. "I should have been here," she finally spoke up after a few beats of silence. 

The buzzing of her phone woke them up the next morning. Peter groaned and glanced at her phone from his spot on the extra chair they brought in so they could all sit. 

"It's Finn," he called over to Scout, who was curled up on the other chair facing Sawyer. 

"Ignore it,"  

Scouts Honor - a Finn Wolfhard ficWhere stories live. Discover now