Chapter 10

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**Devin's POV**

I woke up from my sweet dreamland, entering the harsh reality that was my life. My hangover was killing me, but the memory of Matthias and Adam kissing brought a greater pain still. If that was even possible, considering my headache made me want to roll over and die!

Even through my pain, I got up and walked to the kitchen. I needed a Tylenol! Passing the wall clock, it's only 7:30. How am I awake right now? I didn't wake up till nine when I went to bed sober!

I didn't even remember going to bed last night, so I must have been drunk off my ass! No. Scratch that. I didn't remember coming home last night! God knows what could have happened.

I popped the pills and then walked into the nursery to check on the boys. All of them safe and sleeping. Except Benjamin. He was just laying there looking up at me. He seemed perfectly content with the silence of a sleeping house. His eyes looked at me, and it's like there was wisdom reflected there. Weird kid... He's gonna be a scientist or something, you just wait and see!

I leaft Ben alone. He seemed fine without me trying to help.

That was when I notice my pants. Or, lack thereof. How was I wearing a shirt and even socks, but not pants. I would never go to sleep that way! What the hell happened last night?

I flopped down on the couch of the dark living area. Nice darkness... Why was it never dark when I woke up? This was great, not being blinded by painful light rays. Just then, the light came on and ruined my day. I practically screamed from the pain as I threw my face into the couch cushion.

The movement made my head feel no better. So, I stayed there. I didn't move. I just moaned in the agony of my hangover. Why the hell do people drink!? Oh, yeah. To forget. Well it wasn't not working! I remembered every painful detail of their kiss. The only thing I forgot was what happened from the time I was drinking at the bar to the time I woke up this morning! How on earth did my dad do this for so many years? This feeling definitely wasn't worth leaving your family!

"Devin?" I heard the voice come from behind me. Matt. I stifled the whimper at the thought of him.

"Go away." I yelled into the pillow. Instantly regretting it as the pain hit me.

"What's wrong with you, man? Where were you last night?" He sounded concerned.

I only groaned my discomfort and ignored him.

I heard his footsteps as he came to the couch. He jerked the pillow from my face and I practically hissed at the burning light. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you!? Why were you drinking last night!"

I wanted to scream at him that he knew damn well what was wrong with me, but that might give away my feelings. So, I said the first thing that came to mind. "I found my ID, so I just went out..." He might buy that... Right?

"Seriously, Dev? No. You and I both know you don't drink. There's got to be something on your mind!"

"Why can't you just leave me alone!?" Did it really matter why I went out! Why was he being so persistent! Like he was trying to get something out of me.

He sighed and sat down on the back of my legs. Usually, I may have secretly enjoyed it, but I wasn't in the mood to be pleasant. I kicked and squirmed to no avail. I finally stopped because the exertion was making my headache worse. I looked over my shoulder, getting used to the light, and saw Matt looking down at me.


"Dev... Do you remember anything from last night?"

No. "Yes! I wasn't that drunk!" I lied a little too defensively.

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